ii. the same feelings

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER TWO 𐄹❝ for a student at kiss, you should  have had manners by now

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❝ for a student at kiss, you should
have had manners by now. ❞

          EVELYN WAS WAITING PATIENTLY for her flight. Suddenly a bag hit her, causing her phone to land on the ground.

"Watch where you're going." She remarked.

The teen looked at her, a cold expression on his face.

Evelyn noticed his badge with the label, KISS.

"For a student at KISS, you should have had manners by now." Evelyn shrugged as she picked up her phone.

The teen rolled his eyes at her and retorted back, "No english." He looked her up and down then walked away from her.

Evelyn rolled her eyes and sighed, turning on her phone.

"Oh my God." Kitty exclaimed from beside her.

Evelyn looked at her sister concerningly, "What?"

"I just felt a connection between you two!" Her sister grinned.

Evelyn scoffed, "He literally just bumped into me and didn't even bother saying sorry, what connection are you talking about?"

"Enemies to Lovers, duh." Kitty rolled her eyes. "You should've asked for his name!"

"No way in hell. He's not even my type!" Evelyn frowned.

Kitty grinned, "Sure." She said sarcastically, knowing that he certainly was her type.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

The Covey siblings just missed their bus. The two were now walking to who knows where while Evelyn gave directions and Kitty was taking the lead.

Evelyn stopped mid way to zoom in on the map in her phone when she heard her sister shriek from in front of her.

She looked up immediately and saw her sister on the ground, with a limo inches away from her.

Thankfully, the limo came to a halt. Kitty groaned as her eyes fluttered open from the dizziness.

"Kitty!" Evelyn exclaimed as she ran to her side, "Are you okay?! Shit."

Two figures hovered over her body, "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

Kitty sat up, looking at the younger girl who came from the limo. "Can we get a ride?"

STUPID CUPID ,  minho  ; xo, kitty  ✓Where stories live. Discover now