i. her person

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER ONE 𐄹❝ at least evelyn's safe

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❝ at least evelyn's
safe . . . right ? ❞

EVELYN ROWE COVEY was sitting in between her stepmom and her dad.

Her sister was giving them a presentation on why she should go to KISS, a school in korea.

Little did their parents know, Evelyn also enrolled at KISS, basically forced by her sister.

Fortunately, Kitty convinced her, Evelyn also wanting to become closer to her mom, in her own way.

"My whole life I've had to rely on other people to tell me about mom." Kitty stated, looking at her father specifically. "Kitty, I mean, I was — "

Trina spoke up, "Honey, you're interrupting her flow." She paused, "Keep going."

Kitty smiled gratefully, "So there I was, trying to make sense of all this little pieces of mom's life. Then suddenly, something clicked."

"The school mom went to, the Korean independent school of Seoul, one of the top international schools in the world, is the same one Dae goes to!" She exclaimed, smile visible on her face.

"Wow! That's a coincidence!"

Evelyn looked at her father with a frown on her face, "Dad, it's not a coincidence." She looked back at her sister, "It's fate."

Kitty nodded, "Correct!" She changed the slide, "Me and Evelyn applied to KISS and we both got in!"

Evelyn's eyes widened as she sat up, "What?! I got in too?!"

"Yep! We both did! We got the same scholarship as Mom!" Kitty exclaimed, holding her hands out.

Evelyn jumped up from her seat and hugged her sister, both squealing from excitement.

The two sisters faced their parents with grins plastered on their faces. "So this would be.."
their dad trailed off, "Your junior year of college."

"Of High school.." Evelyn spoke.

"Just like Mom." Kitty finished.

"High school?" Their dad stood up, "Girls, classes start next week."

Kitty walked forward, "I-I know, It's crazy timing-wise, but two spots opened up today."

"Which again, Fate-" Kitty looked at her sister, "For me, sorry, Eve."

Evelyn gave her sister a look. "Whatever, but dad, we missed out on getting to know mom."

She followed her father, "And, well, Kitty misses Dae all the time."

Kitty nodded from behind her. "And we miss LJ and Margot but they're busy because they're off doing their own thing."

"Honey, that's different. They went to collage." Their dad replied.

"No it's not that different to us. Cause, We're the only ones left at home." Evelyn trailed off, looking at her sister, seemingly asking her to back her up.

Kitty spoke up, "With you two, of course! Who we absolutely love spending so much time with."

Evelyn cleared her throat and nodded before she spoke, "But we're ready to stop missing everybody."

"We're ready to start experiencing new things." Kitty finished.

"We just want our own adventure."

"I get that." Their dad spoke up, "But boarding school? That's not like going on vacation."

"We have a travel agent doing everything—"

Kitty interrupted him, "I-I know. But i'll have Dae— We'll have Dae. And he'll be like our guide and our translator and my person."

Evelyn stood in-front of her, mouth pressed into a thin line. Sure, going to KISS would be fun but she didn't want to be a third-wheel while she explored her mom's life in Korea.

"Honey, wait.." Trina stood up, standing beside their father. "I think it's great that they want to know about their mom and her culture."

The two sisters perked up, listening to their step mom. "I spent a summer in India with my cousins when I was about their age and it was life changing."

"When did you girls get so big? You're supposed to be 9 years old forever."

Kitty smiled, "Dad focus,"

"This is important." Evelyn grinned. "No part of Mom ever belonged to us."

"And this could be our chance to get to know her, in our way."

Their dad smiled, holding his arms out.

The sisters hugged their dad back, "Your mom would be so proud of you two."

"So," Evelyn broke apart from the hug, followed by Kitty. "Can we go?"

He smiled, "You girls can go."

"We can? We can? Oh, my God! Thank you! Thank you! I love you!" Kitty squealed, rushing upstairs.

Evelyn grinned widely, as she hugged her two parents.

"Eve! Come up here!" Kitty said, her voice muffled, due to her being on the second floor.

She looked at the stairs with a smile. going to her sister's room.

From downstairs the couple spoke, "Did I just let my younger daughter have sex with her boyfriend?"

Trina laughed, "No! No."


"At least Evelyn's safe." He sighed.

"You never know, Honey. She might find her person there."

They were in for a long ride.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮ | tvvlip speaks !
this was sort of a prologue chapter,,
first chapter done ! i love the gif
above (made by me) 😮‍💨 and how evelyn
and kitty finishes each others sentences
🫶 i think it's so cute and im excited
for the chapters with minho !! hehe

STUPID CUPID ,  minho  ; xo, kitty  ✓Where stories live. Discover now