vi. just minho

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER SIX 𐄹❝ so that's why you're the immature one ? ❞

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❝ so that's why you're
the immature one ? ❞

"LET'S KEEP UP THE PACE, PEOPLE!" Q jogged towards the mountain.

Evelyn and Minho walked side by side. Minho was basically forcing Evelyn to hike beside him to avoid Madison at all costs.

This made it impossible for the two to talk to their own best friends, Kitty and Dae.

"Worms, worms, worms!" Yuri squealed as she jumped away from Dae, who was in front of Evelyn and Minho.

"We're in nature, embrace it." Q said lazily, ignoring her shrieks.

The group continued to walk, despite Yuri's complains about the worms.

Kitty then took this opportunity to talk to Dae.

"Why do you hate talking to Madison? Do I really have to be forced to walk with you?" Evelyn striked up conversation, sighing as she was tired from the walking.

Minho looked at her with a frown, "I don't hate her, she's just annoying. Plus, I'm not forcing you, you volunteered on your own." He added.

"Thats very rude of you to say that about Madison by the way — " Evelyn started.

He looked at her with a cocky smirk, "You don't like her either, do you?"

"What?" She looked at him in disbelief, "I didn't say that."

Minho shook his head, "You didn't say it but i seen the way you look at her before climbing this stupid mountain." He said, grunting at each step he took.

"You're delusional." Evelyn rolled her eyes at him, "I'll be leaving now." She said as she trailed off.

Before she could go any further, Minho grabbed her wrist, pulling her close. "Don't, stupid. I'm so sick of Madison's voice ringing in my ear." He whispered as he dropped her wrist.

Evelyn sighed and continued climbing the hill, Minho by her side as she saw Kitty and Yuri run up the hill. "Just stick together!"

"You and Kitty are siblings?" Minho stated, looking at the path below them as they walked, "You don't look alike, not one bit."

She looked at him, "Well, I got most of my looks from my mom, you know? The korean features and all." Evelyn explained, running a hand through her hair. "I'm also a few months older than Kitty."

STUPID CUPID ,  minho  ; xo, kitty  ✓Where stories live. Discover now