xiii. labels and studying

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER THIRTEEN 𐄹❝ how could i forget, rowe ? ❞

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❝ how could i forget, rowe ? ❞

          IT WAS NOW AFTERNOON. Evelyn and Minho were already planning on how to tell their friends that they had at least something going on.

No, they weren't boyfriend or girlfriend, in fact, they, themselves, didn't know what they were.

And they weren't planning onto asking one another.

Evelyn was staring at the ceiling, while Q and Kitty were busy reviewing.

"Okay. I need a break." Q said, sitting down beside Evelyn. "What's on your mind?"

"Yeah, you've been acting suspicious lately." Kitty agreed.

Evelyn took a deep breath and sat up, her back was resting against the armchair beside her. "I'm dating someone."

Kitty and Q looked at her in disbelief, their mouths agape.

"And I don't know if we're dating or not but I'm not his girlfriend and he's not my boyfriend — I just don't know what we are but we're something." Evelyn rambled.

"Wait what?"

"I second that — Minho's gonna be pissed if you tell him."

"What if it's Minho that I have a situation with..." Evelyn trailed off, interrupting the two.

Kitty and Q did a double take, but jumped out of their seats, squealing like kids.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn questioned, looking at them with a concerned look on her face. "Stop that!"

The two stopped immediately, sitting on opposite sides beside Evelyn.

"Look, Evelyn. You need to have a conversation on what you guys are! What even happened between you two?" Q questioned.

Evelyn cleared her throat, "Well, we kissed last night."

Kitty and Q let out gasps in union.


They let out gasps once again.

"You're telling me, you two kissed, twice? And you guys don't have a label?" Kitty asked.

Evelyn bit her lip, "Yeah." She nodded, "That's what I'm telling you."

"You guys definitely need to talk it out." Q patted her shoulder, "Minho's ready for a relationship, we had that conversation this morning."

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