v. roommate

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER FIVE 𐄹❝ is this the part where we make out ? ❞

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❝ is this the part where
we make out ? ❞

          KITTY SHOOK EVELYN UP, "Evelyn! Evelyn! Wake up. I have so much to tell you."

Evelyn woke up with a yawn, "It's too early for this."

Kitty pointed to the clock. "Two more hours before school starts isn't early."

"Yes it is. Wake me up later — "

"I think mom had a baby in this dorm."

As soon as Kitty said those nine words, Evelyn sat up instantly. "What?!"

She handed her a pink, thin bracelet. "That dropped out of the photo album mom had."

It was a baby bracelet.

Evelyn inspected the bracelet curiously, "I don't want to assume anything right now, Kit. Maybe it's someone else's?"

"Then why is it in mom's photo album?" Kitty asked.

"I don't know." Evelyn replied as she ran her hands through her hair.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

Evelyn and Kitty got ready for school. They both went to the principals office to get their dorms changed.

They both greeted their professor. "Kitty." He nodded, "Evelyn. Good to see you, what are you doing here?"

Kitty and Evelyn looked at each other with confused looks.

It suddenly clicked, Evelyn was supposed to be staying at the other dorm. Minho didn't snitch on her, but snitched on Kitty.

Evelyn cleared her throat, "I just helped Kitty with the directions, Sir. I'll get going now." She lied, knowing that she didn't know the directions to this place one bit.

She left the office, sending Kitty an "I'll explain later" look.

While Evelyn was walking around the halls, she spotted Minho, talking to Q and Dae.

Evelyn quietly tapped him on the shoulder, making eye-contact with Q, Q sending her a knowing look.

Minho turned around, "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you." Evelyn said, grabbing his hand and heading to the janitors closet, not waiting for an answer.

Q and Dae looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Slow down." Minho whisper-shouted.

They both entered the janitors closet, Evelyn closing the door from behind her.

"Is this the part where we make out?" Minho questioned cockily.

Evelyn gagged, "Ew, you wish."

"Then why did you bring me in here when this is where all the cliché students make out?" Minho leaned on the wall beside him.

STUPID CUPID ,  minho  ; xo, kitty  ✓Where stories live. Discover now