xv. crying shame

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˖ 🎀  CHAPTER FIFTEEN 𐄹❝ still cocky as ever? ❞ — ALTERNATIVE ENDING

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❝ still cocky as ever? ❞


While she did, she kept on thinking about the moments that her and Minho shared, ever since she had gotten into KISS.

She left Kitty with Dae for a few moments, knowing that Dae actually had a heart to show up to at least say a final goodbye, not like Minho.

Evelyn sighed, ready to hand the flight attendant her boarding pass, but before she could, a stranger cut her off by handing his boarding pass before hers.

The stranger didn't really hand the flight attendant the boarding pass, but instead, grabbed her wrist and leading her to the crowd.

"Hey — What are you doing? You can't just drag me out here! Take your hood off!"

The hooded stranger stopped walking in the middle of the crowd and turned to face her.

"Minho? What — What the fuck are you doing here?" Evelyn retorted angrily, but a part of her felt relief that Minho came to see her.

Minho sighed, pulling off his hood. "I need you to stop with the questions and listen to me, okay? Could you do that for me?" He said, grabbing both of her hands in his.

Evelyn nodded, looking at him lovingly.

"Good." Minho nodded, "Look, I've liked you ever since we shared that kiss during the campsite. Hell, maybe even before the kiss. There's just something about you, Rowe. Every single day I always try to make up an insult that's better than yours. I love seeing you flustered with all my actions and I can't help it that I want something going on between us. You catch my eye everyday, even when you look so cranky in the morning and when you get dressed up for events. When you said that Stupid Cupid shot the wrong arrow at us. He didn't, he meant it. And I want it to stay that way. Sure, Cupid might be stupid. But sometimes he shoots arrows to people who are meant to be together, Evelyn. That's what happened to us. I've fallen for you, Rowe. To the point where I'm in love you."

Evelyn was speechless, "Minho, you didn't have to practice that all for me." She smiled, bringing her hand up to the back of his neck, while his trailed to her waist.

"Still cocky as ever?"

"Always." Evelyn replied. "Minho, you don't know how much I hate you. But you also don't know how much I love you." She smiled, "I don't want anything to end. So we'll give this a try okay?"


Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"I'm going with you, well, I'm going to L.A. and — "

Evelyn grinned, interrupting him and placing her lips on his.

Minho blushed deeply as she pulled him closer. He didn't resist, however, and instead, he moved toward her as well. His lips hit Evelyn's and as soon as her hands went behind his neck, and he smiled into the kiss.

He wasn't going to admit it out loud but — he felt as if his heart was about to burst in his chest.

Minho pulled her closer, if possible. And at that moment, once again, it was like no one ever existed. The crowd disappeared, the voices chattering disappeared, the cries of goodbyes from around them disappeared.

It was just them, Evelyn and Minho.

As the two finally pulled away, their foreheads touching as the two looked at each other lovingly, Evelyn spoke, "Are you messing with me? Because if you didn't mean anything you said, I'll kill you."

Minho gave her a look, chuckling and rolling his eyes, "I just went into a two minute ramble of how much I love you."

"I just wanted to hear you say it again." Evelyn smiled mischievously, "I love you too, but you know, I still hate you."

Minho bit his lip, "I know."

"You do?" Evelyn sent him a knowing look.

His grip tightened on her waist. "Yeah. I love that you hate me."

"Speaking of love and hate, I hate to ask this but, can I be your boyfriend?" Minho asked, with a smirk.

If possible, Evelyn's smile grew, "You can be my boyfriend."

"God, I hated that."

"Yeah. You were so cringey."

"Shut up." Minho chuckled pulling her by the waist, into another kiss.

When the two pulled away, they hugged each other, after what seemed like hours.

His head was resting on her shoulder as Evelyn stood on her tip toes to reach him more. "If fighting tells a person's true nature, then no one know you better than me."


Evelyn nodded, "Yeah."

The two walked into the airplane, hand in hand.

Evelyn's head was rested on his shoulder, while Minho's head was rested on top of hers. His hand was propped on her knee as Evelyn drifted off into a slumber.

Minho's head lifted up to look at her peaceful figure. "I love you, you idiot."

"I hate you too." Evelyn mumbled surprisingly, not opening her eyes.

He chuckled, kissing her forehead, "Glad we're on the same page."

After a few more minutes, "I love you." Evelyn mumbled back.

His hand squeezed her knee, smiling as he did so.

Thanks, Stupid Cupid.
They are in love, and it's a crying shame.

Well, that's what they would admit.
But deep down, they love each other.
And they both know it.


STUPID CUPID ,  minho  ; xo, kitty  ✓Where stories live. Discover now