• Chapter 1 •

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If I had learned anything in the centuries that I spent roaming with my brother, it was that the laws of our kind were to be obeyed. We were to remain undetected, limit our breeding, and to never associate with humans unless our teeth were buried in their neck, and even after that, their memory had to be altered to keep the first law intact. A break in the system required immediate isolation issued by the royal family, or even death. Sometimes though, they took pity, giving lesser punishments if you were honorable enough to turn yourself in, begging for forgiveness. And that's exactly what I planned to do.

From the outside, Lord N's palace looked old and in ruins, abandoned for years. Rumors and stories about it accumulated, spreading through the human world like wildfire, but none of them were anywhere close to what it actually held. Nobody expected that a whole vampyre hierarchy lurked around just behind the other side of the boarded up, ivy invaded doors.

It felt like hours that I walked through the building before I reach any glimpse of life. Well, as alive as any vampyres can be. Two guards stood in front of a huge gilded door, scenes of the royal family's history engraved into it. The guard on the right shifted slightly before his deep voice echoed off of the marble walls.

"What is your business?" He was tall, his black hair slicked back, but he looked too young to bare a job with such responsibility. His cheeks pudged outwards and his eyes were soft and rounded, like a baby's. How could he, of all people, keep Lord N safe?

Maybe I waited too long to answer, studying him instead of responding was an idea that played against my favor because in an instant my vision blurred and my knees shook before buckling and hitting the floor. My muscles burned so hot that my screams were almost mute, the pain radiating all through my body. My limbs felt as if they were internally engulfed in flames, making me rip and paw at my skin in hopes of relief. It stopped sooner than expected though, leaving me gasping for air and crumpled to the floor. "I said, what is your business?" He asked again, making me now realize exactly why he was chosen to protect our society's number one in command.

"To see Lord N," I whimpered out, lifting myself up carefully, allowing my eyes to adjust themselves until the boy came into clear view again. "To confess my crime and beg for forgiveness."

He turned to the side and I flinched at his movement, praying for anything but pain again. He chuckled lowly at my fear as his hands pushed open the golden door. "You may enter."

The guard followed me inside, the door behind us, slamming shut, making my shaking body jump. My nerves raced as I stood there, taking in the huge room, a good six stories high. It was completely white and almost entirely empty except for two large thrones in the center. Seated upon each, with a crown perched on their heads, were Lord N, and his second in command, Prince Namjoon.

Now was the time for me to fall to my knees. The time to confess my crime and cry out to the heavens, praying for them to have mercy, to not simply stand from their seat and snap my neck back, ripping it from my body. I couldn't though, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe.

Lord N was indeed as flawless as I had been told my entire life. My brothers grew up telling me stories of how woman flocked the palace to see him, even killed for a chance to touch him. I'd never believed them until now. Lord N's red hair glowed unnaturally against his carameled skin. His cheek bones were high and his body resembled one of an angel, his robe draping off of him, exposing his collarbones. My mind flooded with thoughts of his sinfully perfect features until I shook my head lightly, instantly shifting my eyes to the floor, afraid that looking at him any longer would turn me into putty, like in the stories. Prince Namjoon sat beside him, a look of boredom ridden across his pale face, his fingers twiddling in his lap. He was no less perfect than the other, his lips pink and full. His whole presence was captivating.

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