• Chapter 7 •

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I spent the remainder of the afternoon wrapped in blankets, napping away the idea of Jackson in my house again. Two days of sleepless nights had really became evident, especially when I felt two hands shook my shoulders, pulling me from my slumber. I only groaned, turning away from the person. "Ah, Yue. Wake up." His voice grew louder, invading my dreams and pulling me closer to consciousness.

"What, Hoseok?" My voice was rough, filled to the brim with irritation as I felt my bed dip, my brother sitting next to my laying body.

"Come eat with us." He suggested.

"I don't want to feed with you." The words were spit out harshly as they were overlaid with an extreme exhaustion that a nap hardly fixed. The last thing I wanted to do was watch Hoseok drink someone dry and then rip them to pieces. It didn't excite me.

"When was the last time you fed?" The question was reasonable. The last time I fed was from the sweet thick blood human Hyuk possessed, over five days ago. I could feel the emptiness in my belly, prod and beg for more.

"Awhile ago." The more the thought rested in my head, the more I realized that I should feed, a starving vampyre was none to wish to be in the presence of. They were irrational and all around unpredictable, something I shouldn't be if I were to help train Hyuk to become the best he could be.

Hoseok laughed lightly, his sarcastic chuckle filling my ears. "Well get ready, baby sister. We are leaving in a few minutes."

With that, he left my room, leaving me to pry myself from the bed, ripping through my long brown hair before reentering the group of people that sat in my living room. I only heard bits of their conversation.

"I like the new place. It's a lot nicer than the cabin." Jackson's voice made my mind cloud with feelings that I just pushed aside. Everything he did to me was so unfair and no matter what he would attempt to say to me to make it better, it wouldn't.

I caught sight of Leo's slight smile, his head nodding at the complement, not really addressing it. My fingers flipped the car keys around, jingling underneath my voice. "Are we going?"

Leo decided not to follow us out, shouting out as we started leaving, throwing requests of good behavior towards Hoseok and Jackson who both seemed to just laugh it off.

Hyuk clung to my side as we entered the city. Very little cars were on the road, the only lights coming from the street lights and occasional flashing neon signs. I could feel the uncomfortableness that settled on Hyuk, his breathing slightly raged at the idea and pressure of how both other boys searched intently for anyone to drink from.

"Prostitute." Jackson muttered under his breath as a slim lady came into view, pacing around on the corner. The dim lights illuminated her and how her skimpy clothes clung to her thick assets. Her hair was dyed a very fake blond, and if I wasn't positive that the two only wanted to drink from her, I'd believe they were salivating merely over her appearance.

As we grew closer, the sounds of our footsteps shattered the silence, alerting her, causing her to grin towards us. "Hey guys. Looking for any fun?" She teased, her voice sounding rough and cracked most likely from years of drug abuse.

Before any of us could say anything, another girl emerged from the shadows, her dark hair reflecting the street lights. I heard Hoseok's heart rate speed up. "Two, huh?" I knew how he loved a challenge, I could basically feel the excitement rubbing off of him.

Jackson had made his way up to the blond, his long fingers running through her hair as she drew into his touch. It was very intimate and it caused a slight pain of jealousy to race through me, until I watched his fingers tighten into fists. His hands ripped her head back and a scream emitted from her mouth before Jackson pulled against her harder, snapping her neck completely until her cries silenced. I had to look away but that didn't stop the sounds of her bones crunching and heart stopping echoing in my ears. I could feel Hyuk tense beside me.

Sacrifices || Jackson Wang \ Han Sanghyuk auWhere stories live. Discover now