• Chapter 12 •

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The next day was not one focused on training Hyuk to become better, on the contrary both Hoseok and Jackson were off 'visiting old friends' as they put it, but I was no fool, they missed the feeling of pursuit, I could see it burning in their fired eyes. And so, when I awoke, they were both gone off to satisfy their hunger for not only blood, but murder. Leo didn't try to protest.

"We've tried to stop them before, Yue. They are caught in their own ways and the only thing we can do now is to not get caught up in it." He said after I asked about it. I nodded, pulling down the sleeves of the sweater I'd taken out of Jackson's things, him not being here to complain and it being the only thing that hid the bite marks laid out on the skin of my wrist.

"Good morning, Yue, Leo." Hyuk stumbled into the living room, wiping at the sleep that rested in his eyes, his face even swollen off of the early morning hours. I hoped that for everyone's sake, he was less hostile today, with the starving, the rest of the week didn't seem up for him. I smiled lightly and watched as he shuffled over to me, wrapping my body in a tight hug that didn't leave me necessarily uncomfortable, but a great deal confused. He seemed to be in a great mood until he pulled away and looked into my eyes, his cheek pulled in between his sharpened canines, the sound of his heart rate becoming irregular. "You smell like him." He basically hissed.

Did he mean Jackson? The answer was obvious, the sweater was his and his cologne was practically soaked into it, but the comment itself was so out of place I didn't know how to acknowledge it. Leo, though, stared at him, a curiosity ingniting in the pits of his eyes before he cleared his throat.

"Hyuk, we have a new training plan for you." Leo spoke softly, though, his eyes refusing to leave the boy who seemed to, by the second, draw closer to me until eventually the feeling of his arm pressed against mine was evident.

"Yeah?" He questioned, his snide comment brushed off like it hadn't even came out of his mouth. I clenched my eyes shut, feeling his thumb start to run the back of my hand. What was with him today?

Leo noticed too, his eyes drifting to our hands before bringing them back up, shooting silver daggers into Hyuk's. "Hoseok insists that we starve you."

"Why?" His voice sounded hurt. I could feel the boy's gaze laid upon my neck, my wrists, each place he'd drank from on my body being glared at. It made my face hot.

I spoke up this time, trying to avoid the tension Hyuk was insistently creating. "We want to see if you have an ability. You'll mean more to Lord N if you do."

He smiled at me, his white teeth flashing brightly. He seemed to light up at the sound of my voice. "I trust you, Yue." He grinned, the warmth of his words pushing me to an edge I didn't know I had, and it only held an undying amount of uncomfortableness. Why was he acting this way? The question lingered in my head as I felt his finger prod at my bottom lip, his gaze burning into it.

Leo had moved, grabbing a beer from our overly stocked fridge, filling a glass to the top, glued to Hyuk's every move. He was as suspicious as I was becoming,

"Take this off, please. It's not very flattering." Hyuk's voice was odd, the feeling of his breath against my neck threw me off and grew the pit in my stomach a darker shade of unease.

And when I hadn't, when I refused to pull the sweater from my torso, he took it upon himself to lift it from my head, unknowingly exposing the raw bite marks that laid upon the pastiness of my skin. That's when shit hit the fan.

It was the stopping of Leo's breathing that I heard initially, the wounds putting him into a state of shock. And then, after his breathing had ceased, the sound of his hand clenching so intensely around the glass, causing it to shatter, echoed through my ears. "What the fuck is that?" He spit the words out with an underlined feeling of anger, of disgust. Leo would be the last person to accept what I'd done.

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