• Chapter 4 •

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My slender fingers ran themselves through Hyuk's hair as his head rested on my lap, the pain of his transition just now exposing itself. His rough hands clasped down on my bare sheets, his hips subconsciously lifting from the mattress. I rubbed small circles into his temples in feeble attempts to soothe the pain he was in as screams started ripping through his chest.

"No, please." His voice was laced with so much vulnerability and pain, but I couldn't give in. He had to finish, there was no going back now. "Make it stop, Yue."

"Hyuk, I can't." The words just stumbled out of my mouth as my arms kept him in place, his body thrashing about.

The sounds of his swelling heart beat filled my ears along side his desperate cries, my head swarming with guilt. And to top it off, Leo was no where to be found.

Hyuk's feet kicked the air wildly as they began spasming from the extreme amount of internal pain that slowly started creeping it's way through his veins. I could see his muscles under his skin clench over and over, pulling and tearing repeatedly. Tears streamed from his eyes and pooled onto my jeans.

Then, in seconds, the first round was over, and the boy laid unmoving, his chest rising and falling harshly. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, my fingers still gripping at his now damp hair that clung to his forehead.

"No, it's okay. It's almost-" Screams, again filled the room as his fangs pushed to the surface, my mind not being able think of anything better to do than to help him sit straight up. My hand patted his back as the blood flowed out his mouth for a few minutes, followed by occasional morbid gargling noises and wet coughs. His blood stained his whole neck and shirt before he was done.

"Is it over?" His voice was soft, I watched as his tongue flicked over his sharp teeth. All the pain seemed to be gone and replaced with a new found strength that radiated off of him. He glanced upward, and a sigh admitted from my mouth at the sight of his glowing silver eyes.

"Yes." My mouth pulled into a smile as Hyuk stood and wrapped his arms around me, tightly. A little too tightly, but I let it alone, wrapping my small arms around his neck, his blood seeping into my shirt too.


"Hyuk, pay attention, okay?" Leo yelled from the other side of our backyard. His feet were planted firmly into the ground. Hyuk nodded towards him and gazed at me, standing next to him.

"Vampyre's are extremely fast. All you have to do is push yourself." My words came out right before I kicked off and sped towards Leo, within less than a tenth of a second I should have connected with him, but instead, I jumped slightly before impact, flipping over my brother and landing back on my feet behind him.

Loud claps and shouts followed my little show while Hyuk prepared to test out his own speed. My eyes watched intently as Hyuk ran towards Leo. An immediate echo crashed through the air as he tumbled into Leo, whom tensed and braced himself, sending the younger flying in the air only to slam down on his back, tens of feet away.

A laughed bubbled out of my mouth as I jogged over to him, my hand reaching out for him to latch onto. His face was blushed a crimson color before he finally accepted defeat, grumbling lightly and pulling himself up with my hand wrapped around his wrist. I patted his back softly, another laugh slipping out. "We are really strong too."

Hyuk glared at me until his eyes glistened and a smirk stretched across the area of his face. "Strong, huh?" He winked, making me grow confused until it was too late and he already had me hoisted over his shoulder, my cheek against his back.

I heard Leo mutter something before the sounds of his voice faded and blurred just like the scene around me, Hyuk sprinting as fast as he possibly could push himself. My fingers clenched into fists that slammed punches to his back while my hair flew around, tangling from the speed. My laughs were drowned out until finally we were stopped.

Sacrifices || Jackson Wang \ Han Sanghyuk auWhere stories live. Discover now