Chapter 19

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Leo's POV.

Finally, a few days had passed and my racing mind had found itself calmed slightly, the familiarity of the home around me somewhat easing me. In the center of the woods, miles and miles astray from our current house, laid the small three room cabin I'd been raised in. The same foundation that watched my siblings and I's first steps, to our last human breath, and for some unexplainable reason, visiting our roots placed my head in a state that was much more stable than it had been when I had exploded. When I tried to attack Yue.

It wasn't okay, no, my actions were unforgivable, for my baby sister had been placed within a situation that hurt her more than it could ever hurt me. Stress though, had built itself up in my head ever since my beautiful bride had been taken. A mental relapse was long over due.

It was as if she hadn't an idea as to why Aerum was taken, and how she had done the same thing with Hyuk. Nothing but the remembrance of the pain I've endured since I'd been caught flashed through my mind when the scars on her body clicked in my head. I loved Yue. I loved Aerum. I couldn't lose both of them. I couldn't watch her live in guilt like I had. And that's what posed a threat now, with so many defiances to Lord N, who was she to be forgiven for not only risking our secretive existence, but feeding within breeds?

Maybe that's why I ran, the responsibility of Yue and her actions causing too much internal conflict within my head to withstand any longer. Maybe I was a coward.

But it wasn't.

As I laid in the grass right outside of the ivy ridden wooden cabin, the smell of the outside and nature filling my senses, I realized that I need to leave for a while, I needed to accept. To move on.

My baby sister always had a positive outlook on Aerum. Whenever she'd find me, locked away in the confinement of my bedroom or after bar hours reading her journal, she'd always, every time, tell me that I had nothing to worry about. That she's alive. But every spring after she was no longer by my side, I had noticed that the lilies lost their color, the carnations lacking the smell that reminded me of her. Each time I stepped out of the house to witness the beautiful outside, I couldn't feel her in the wind anymore. She had to be dead, it was the only explanation as to why it hurt so bad to see flowers grow and then bloom without her willing it.

No matter what anyone said, I knew that she was gone. And from the day she had left to now, my powers that matched hers like fate, remained unused. The garden in front of the house Yue and I resided in now always remained dead, the flowers frozen in a wilted and brown state throughout the years. Even as I arrived at the cabin a few days prior, if you watched closely you could see the weeds that wrapped around the wooden panels begin to die.

The sun began to set, another night hidden away, probably worrying my siblings into a stupor, and I just laid in the grass, my silver eyes not moving once from the stars that began to form. One star though, brighter than each of the others held my attention, my mouth pulling into a soft smile.

"I miss you," It was as if she was the star, the words came flooding out as if I could see her very image in the sky, tears falling from the corners of my eyes and wetting the ground beneath me. "I love you so much Aerum."

I cried for what seemed like hours before my tears dried up, and I pulled myself up. From where my cries had watered the ground, full and beautiful pink carnations grew.


Yue's POV.

A few hours had gone by and once I felt that Haru had successfully completed her first feeding, we both, hand in hand, entered the house once more. Instantly, she let go, running to Hoseok and wrapping her tiny arms around his waist. "Appa!" She smiled, and with an enthusiasm almost foreign to this household, she explained to her new found father of the events that occurred while we were gone.

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