• Chapter 2 •

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My feet stumbled through the front door of my house, thoughts of what Lord N told me pummeling through my mind, making it hard to walk. How in the world was I going to find the kid? It had been days since I met him in the alley way, I only knew his name.

Tears almost started making their way from my eyes, threatening to stain my cheeks, as my mind overwhelmed itself at the huge task before me. I was in the midst of a full blown panic attack until I was engulfed into a tight hug that softened my mood instantly as Leo's chin rested on the top of my head and his arms wrapped securely around my torso. I felt his whole body shake and his heart beat out of his chest. "You are safe. Thank the heavens, Yue. I was so worried. I wasn't sure if you'd come back."

My brother, Leo, was my rock. Not once in my human or vampyre life did he treat me like anything but a treasure to him. He was the closest thing I'd ever known to a father. Our little makeshift family ran high on tension and emotions, but it was all we had. Hoseok was hardly ever home, only to be treated like he wasn't single handedly skyrocketing the unsolved murder rates in Seoul when he did visit. 'You'll never be like that, Yue.' Leo would tell me when news articles surfaced about missing people being found months later, mauled and decapitated.

Leo pulled away from me, his long fingers wiping a tear from his bright eye. I hated myself for making him worry. "What did Lord N say? What is your punishment?" His hands placed tight on my shoulders, steadying me as I swayed slightly, still not very balanced with the impact of everything that had just happened.

A silent sigh slipped from in between my parted lips and my eyes squeezed shut. "He said I had twenty one days to change Hyuk and then I had to bring him to him. Then he will decide what to do."

Leo began to pace around the room, his shoulder blades shaking occasionally through his tight shirt. He'd begin to say something, and then would immediately stop, minutes later doing the same thing. "We have to train him too. Lord N will want him to know how to fight." None of the words that he spoke had any confidence in them. "And that's if he's okay with becoming one of us. He'd have to leave all of his human friends. His family."

Nothing he was saying made me feel any better, in fact it was everything I had already thought of and worried about on the way here. The most reaction he got from me was a nod before I walked out of the room to clear my head.


My shift was only three hours in and we were being slammed down with more and more people by the second, the liquor supply slowly dwindling. "What would you like?" I smiled at a man who was already plastered, it was only nine. He was gross and he always hit on me, but the nicer I was the better the tip.

He smelt of cigarettes and rum, though he'd only ordered beer while he was here. He had already been drunk when he arrived, like every night. "A Bud, sugar. You know what I like." I turned around, groaning at the pet name he used. My waist bent over to grab a beer from the cooler when I felt his hand on my ass.

Somethings came so natural to me I never thought of them at this point. A vampyre lifestyle was pretty much the only thing I knew for 4 centuries, so more often then not, I underestimated my skills and heightened abilities. The man was laying on his back, clutching at his bleeding nose before I even realized I punched him. The beer bottle was slammed down, laying in pieces out of anger before Leo grabbed me and moved me to the other side of the counter, dealing with the man himself.

"Bitch!" He shouted with Leo's arms around him, shoving him out of the bar.

"That was interesting." A voice chilled down my spine and I knew who it was before I even looked up.

"Hyuk." His name rushed out of my mouth as I glanced up, seeing exactly who I needed to see. He smiled widely, his teeth flashing white before he took a seat on the other side of the counter. "We need to talk." My hand reached for a towel and started wiping up the condensation that sat in rings.

Sacrifices || Jackson Wang \ Han Sanghyuk auWhere stories live. Discover now