• Chapter 15 •

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I woke up not to the sun peering in, nor to the birds chirping to the early morning sky, but to the harsh movement of my bed, the warmth of the covers being tugged off of my body slightly. A sigh fell from my mouth as I opened my eyes to see Jackson laid next to me, his clothes coated in the smell of alcohol. "Jackson." My voice was rough and harsh with the sleep that was weaved into it.

"Yue." He breathed out, turning his body, making eye contact with me. His were glossed over, and with just the smell of his breath, I knew that somehow he'd managed to drink enough to be completely intoxicated.

He was unbelievable. My body, as if on instinct, sat straight up. "What are you doing?" I asked, he didn't say a word, as if him laying in my bed wasn't something to have been questioned. It happened once, and that was all I was comfortable with. I couldn't risk caring for him again. Not when he was still the way he was. But as I continued to ask questions, I fought just that. "Are you drunk?" I knew the answer. The front of his shirt was covered and soaking wet with what I could only assume to be Fireball. A whole bottle worth. "You smell like whiskey."

I didn't want to care, but as I looked down at him, and how his face contorted with a wave of sleepiness and innocence, I knew that Jackson wasn't like this. He wasn't someone to drink into a stupor, there was something wrong.

I watch closely as one of his tanned hands rubbed the top of mine, his eyes shut carefully. "I'm going to change, Jagi. I'll change so you can tell me that you love me again."

Those words, those short sentences pierced my heart as I watched his chest lift and fall, slight snores breaking the silence. His hand was still on top of mine. And I should have moved it, but I couldn't find the strength to.

It felt like hours I just sat there, looking at how his thick eyelashes would twitch slightly and his blond head would move with a dream that must have been a good one, his mouth moving into a smile every once in awhile. He was beautiful like this, innocent and pure. I could love a changed Jackson. I could even love Jackson as he was now, but it hurt to much. I'd done it before and the pain that resided in my heart for so long had barely passed, small feelings of it still lingered every time he breathed my name.

The sun was appearing now, visible from my window, and I slowly, painfully, lifted my hand from his, forcing myself to stand. I remembered the way he used to fall asleep next to me each night, the way his strong arms would snake around my stomach and pull me into his chest, the same soft snores lulling me to sleep. I wished for that again, for him to keep a promise for once in his life and change, so that I could sleep once again in those arms.

It was half expected that as I walked into the living room, for Leo to be there, awaiting my wake, but as like yesterday, his spot was barren. Hyuk was awake though, smiling wide as I approached him. "Good morning, Yue."

"Morning," I nodded towards him, walking past and into the restroom, tossing water at my face to clear my mind. Hyuk followed me like lost puppy. At first I thought that it was cute, his little crush, until I realized what it actually was. Now it just annoyed me to my core. The bond needed broken. "What is it, Hyuk?" I turned to him.

He stood, in the door way of that bathroom with eyes sad and fallen. "I'm hungry." It had been a few days since he's fed, and on top of that, with the training schedule Hoseok had him on, any normal vampyre would have had to feed twice a day to keep a healthy amount of strength. He looked exhausted.

"You know that the starving is extremely important." I said, his eyes only fell to the ground, his hands and fingers playing with the bottom of his shirt. He nodded, his purple hair falling out of place. "Plus," I began, his gaze slowly being brought back up to me. "You have to feed from humans from now on."

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