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New chapter, hope you all like it. Don't forget to comment and vote.




It's only been two weeks, but Sachiel's wings have dropped, his feathers are dull and have lost their sheen. The unhappiness seeping into him is damaging his soul and if he's not careful, he'll lose his wings all together. He's seen it happen, just never considered it could happen to him. He's already discarded his gown since it's too heavy for him to wear anymore, he just wonders how long before he'll have to give up something else important.

Sachiel has learnt that the woman's name is Fia. An apt name considering every day when she gets home from university she pulls out her lighter and in an odd calmness, proceeds to injure herself with it.

Sachiel can't take it. Every time she does, his own skin burns and his soul shatters and flares. The pain she carries in herself is reflected onto him and he's never felt so alone in his entire existence. He can't even escape from her pain, the moment he strays too far from her, his soul starts to tear, silken strands dragging and snapping. A pain worse than death that hurts them both worse than a lighter.

He stops trying.

Sachiel is sat in the window seat, watching as Fia sings to herself quietly as she moves around her room tidying up. She's taken a break from her coursework, she's already eaten and now she's tidying.

Sachiel doesn't understand her.

She's almost robotic the way she cleans and makes sure everything is tidy, it's almost compulsive the way she does. In the two weeks he's been with her he's come to realise it's not OCD but more like she was trained to do as such. It's almost like a blinding panic takes over her if the room isn't tidy.

He's not sure how to deal with it.

He comes to realise that although she has a couple of close friends, she isolates herself a lot. Yet she craves love, craves contact with other humans, so why isolating herself?

Sachiel doesn't understand it at all.

He waits until he's sure Fia is asleep before he combs through the apartment and takes every lighter he can find. He can't stand the sight anymore, seeing her face crumple in pain is not something he can bare. It's an emotional pain that routes itself deep in him and pulls at heartstrings.

He worries for her.

He gets to see her without her filter and it's an upsetting picture. Night terrors plague her sleep, during the day she spends most of her time with a downcast or exhausted expression. Sachiel worries. He worries because she doesn't take care of herself and because she's so good at masking her pain from her friends. He doesn't want her to suffer, yet she does so, and she does so on her own.

Sachiel worries.

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