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Read the Authors note at the bottom and I will explain everything.




When Sachiel comes too, it's with immense pain in his chest and white light blinding him. He raises his arm to shield his eyes when a shadow passes before him. When he opens his eyes again someone is bent over him, using their wide, white wings to protect him from the bright light of afterlife.

He blinks to adjust his eyes and when he does, the face finally comes into focus. He bolts upright, almost banging his head against Fia's in the process. She laughs quietly and Sachiel doesn't know whether he's happy to see her or not.

"I thought you were dead for a minuet there." She says to him, smiling and Sachiel shakes his head.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say." He says then, a smile creeping to his face as he takes her face in his hands. He strokes a thumb over her cheek bone, assuring himself she's truly here. He doesn't think then, just follows his instincts and leans forward, pressing his lips to hers. It's soft, unhurried and feels like someone just sent an electric shock through him. Feels even better when she places her hands over his and kisses him back.


A/N SEE?! Everything's okay. So I'll explain for anyone who doesn't understand why the last chapter had to happen.

Sachiel couldn't leave earth unless his bond with Fia was broken, if he stayed he would have dematerialised and died completely with no way of coming back. So by Fia dying, they both get to live in the after. Understand so far?

Sachiel wasn't allowed to prevent her death because if he had, it would have altered time and there would have been a whole mess. So that's why an angel comes to stop him. When he's escorted back to the realm his wings grow back while he's passed out and during this time Fia gets her introduction to the after. Then the above happens

If you've any further question, leave me comments.

Also, I'm planning to write a book explaining the creation of my angels and how they come to be and all that. If any of you are interested in me writing that let me know.



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