Part 5 Decision

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Nezuko pov
It was 3pm in the afternoon When i wake up I saw my Brother laying next to me so I laid back again and cuddled next to him...I miss this warmth I thought to myself...

Few moments later

Tanjiro POV
...Something heavy is sleeping in my arms...When i open my eyes i see Nezuko underneath her head was my arm...I slowly removed my arm and put Nezuko's head on her pillow... I look outside and it was almost


Looking outside made me wonder...What should i do...Now that i know the Mysterious Voice inside of my head...was my own human sister...I don't know what to do anymore...Should i stay away from her and Go back to the Demon's Base...or... Be with her and recover all my memories...My mind was lost in thought...I sighed...And went up to Nezuko waking her up...Nezuko wake its already sunset you have a duty remember. Nezuko nodded and got up to prepare... I should probably leave now if Demons see me with her they might attack her nonstop...So i left without saying goodbye...

Nezuko pov
After i change to my uniform i look around to see if my Brother was waiting for me but i couldn't find him...I look outside to see if he was there He left me again...Well it's good to know that my brother was alive....So i just grab my Katana and left to do patrols...i was sad because he didn't even say goodbye...

With shinobu and her Mysterious Partner

Shinobu pov
My, My isn't it a lovely evening this village it's quite lovely to explore...but i have a mission on mind so maybe sooner...I looked everywhere to see where Nezuko is so i went to a high place and look for her from above....Hmmmm... Now where to look... Ah.! Over there.!..I spotted Nezuko alone entering the Woods....My Word looks like her brother didn't actually harm her....I sighed...I was hoping to see tanjiro accompanying her...but he's nowhere near her...Those two have always had a strong I went to her watching from behind.

??? Pov
Where is she going?...Guess i just had to follow... I ran to the direction where shinobu-san was heading...And I spotted Nezuko in the distance so i also hid myself so Shinobu-san and Nezuko wouldn't notice me...

Tanjiro POV
Why...Am...I...Feeling some sort of a guilt... Not saying Goodbye to Nezuko bugs me nonstop...Tch... I grab my chest wondering why do i feel like this... Moments later I found myself near a lake I look for a spot where i can relax and think...I found a tree near the water and sat beneath the tree...I sighed... Not knowing what to do anymore....I huddled up with my knees for a while...and few moments later I saw an upper moon demon heading to the village...It's not my Business to mingle in the someone's personal business but...I can't shake the feeling that i have everytime he makes his steps toward the something bad is going to happen...GAH...!WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO...I CANT THINK STRAIGHT ANYMORE!... I was annoyed with this feeling...I have to do something...Should i go back to the Demon Base....or...Be with my human sister...That's the two options I can't decide...Yet...Should I go back to the village...? Maybe i can find the answer that i have been looking for...So i got up..without thinking i rashed back to the village...

Nezuko Pov
I was patrolling in the woods when i heard something behind the tree i draw my katana and prepared my stance...Show yourself...I said... Nothing...Maybe just my imagination... I was about to put my Katana away when...A demon jump out of nowhere and attack me luckily enough I managed to avoid his attack...i got to my stance and use my Breathing... I easily cut off his head and his body disintegrated into thin air...Not a while after another demon showed up this time it was way more stronger than the other one...but when i look into his eyes 6 it was a upper moon i got ready for my fighting stance when out of nowhere shinobu -san pop out of nowhere...Nezuko i need you to be ready to this I don't want you act so carelessly...Shinobu -san said and i nodded...

Shoot an upper moon 6 should i help them..? so..maybe the three of us can defeat him so easily...Gosh darn it....i got up to my hiding spot and went to help Nezuko and Shinobu-san...Nezuko and Shinobu-san was surprised that i was here... Nezuko said... Wait Zenitsu why are you here?....Shinobu-san said... My, My, I never thought i was being followed...And i said...Sorry Shinobu-san I overheard the meeting about tanjiro being alive so i wanna see it for myself.

Upper moon 6
You humans have balls to hold a conversation in my presence with that I'm gonna put you all in your Demise..

<<<(They start fighting let's just say that the upper moon 6 is way more stronger and faster than them. I'm not gonna put every detail in this match so just use your imagination 😆✌️.)>>>

Tanjiro POV
I went to Nezuko's Rented place but found no one the lady said she saw her entering the wood while she was shopping for goods... I thank the lady and went into the woods where she last saw her...I just need to see Nezuko...Maybe this feeling will go away...I jumped above the trees and hurry my way...Not very long i smelled something...something.
Like...Blood...I stop at the end of the trunk and saw...Nezuko exhausted and covered with blood along side with two companions one has a butterfly hair clip(dunno what that's called so bear with me)
And the other one has a yellow haori...Nezuko tried to stand up when the Upper moon grab her hair and hung like she was some useless little creature....The butterfly girl said...LET NEZUKO GO YOU PRICKED! The boy with a yellow haori couldn't move he's already unconscious and the Upper Moon demon broke some bones in his leg and feet...

My decision
What am i even doing here I thought to myself...
Should I just return to the Demon's base and pretend nothing my Human Sister...Still can't decide what I want to pick. When the uppermoon did something that made me choose my fate...

<<<Technical errors for a while I have ran out of ideas😆😆😆.Though I'll be working on part 6 so no worries 😉✌️>>>

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