You Fuzzy Freak

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I keep fighting until the boss runs his tongue along my skin, melting my frozen insides into a puddle. Bowie nips my ear at the same time, holding it in his teeth and applying steady pressure. I go limp, panting, staring into Nash's brilliant green eyes, as jolt after jolt of arousal blasts through me.

"What the...fuck are you...doing to me?" I can't even catch my breath. This is insane.

He smirks and shrugs one shoulder. "Your body is giving in to your mate's touches. Cool, huh?"

"No," I sneer, fangs on full display, "None of this is 'cool', you fuzzy freak!"

Bowie lets my ear go and the boss guy leans back, capturing my gaze again.

"If you think I'm cool with the great, immovable Axel Whitlock, Alpha Elect of the entire south-west and paragon of control, being knocked on his ass by a tiny vampire with an attitude problem, think again." He walks me back to the wall, my head hitting with a soft thud. "But fate's a funny bitch and you're mine now."

Before I can say another word, he snaps the button on my jeans and forces his massive hand inside.

"What do you think you're doing!?" All that comes out is a shrill, breathy, squeak, followed by what has to be the most ridiculous moan that's ever been moaned before.

He slips his thick middle finger right inside, the sloppy sound proving to me and the whole world just how wet I really am.

"Giving you the first taste of your future, princess."

That word again. Why does it twist me up so damn much? It's not like I secretly wish I was a princess. His eyes glow brighter, and he cuts them to his left, then his right, while his finger eases out and back in, slow and teasing.

Bowie and Nash step up to either side of me and work my pants below my hips before pushing them the rest of the way down, exposing me completely.

"We're in the middle of the hall, you moron." I glare at him. "And you thought I had a death wish."

Rather than react like a normal person, he winks.

"Look again. And spread those knees before I snap your hips."

I lose my breath completely, legs going weak from lust. I manage to cut my gaze to the main bar area, but it's a door now, locked from the inside with a chain.

"What the—"

I whip my head in the other direction and Nash leans back, revealing a solid wall. A room. We're in a private room.


"This is the dream hall," Luca says as he steps closer. "I haven't been in here before, but I guess the rumors are true."

"Rumors," I mutter, slowly blinking as the finger inside me goes faster.

"It turns into what you want the most." Bowie settles his hot hand on my hip, dipping his fingertips under the top band of my panties. "Guess we all wanted some privacy, huh?"

"No." I intend it to be full of my trademark venom, but it's barely audible. Mostly because I don't want to admit he's right.

Nash mirrors Bowie's action, while Axel nibbles my neck, fingering me faster still.

This is all well and good, and feels great despite my irritation, until Luca finally trails tentative fingertips up my thigh, completing some mystical circuit.

A harsh blast of emotion scores my insides, frying my nerve endings and sizzling my borrowed blood. I arch away from the wall, but that only pushes me closer to them, which makes it worse. I twist with a scream, which pitches in volume when Bowie grips my waist to hold me still.

"Let it in, princess, it'll hurt less." Axel settles his teeth against my collarbone, the contact as intense as if he'd actually staked me. That stupid nickname is trying to burn itself to my grey matter, but I won't let it.

"Fuck you," I bite out, tears burning my eyes. "You're already in."

"Not my finger." He has the audacity to chuckle, giving a gentle lick before biting my collarbone, hard.

I shout again, fighting with all my might, but I can't escape my own organs. They're twitching, vibrating, my skin crawling with needles and flames. Something in my chest booms, something else wraps around my heart without permission. I mean to scream again, but all that comes out is a deep sob.

Nash strokes my cheek, nuzzling my ear. "Stop fighting it, pretty girl. The sooner you accept the mate bond, the better for everyone."

Bowie presses his nose to the soft spot under my other ear, and Luca walks his fingers under the hem of my shirt.

My vision goes white, and I see us in the middle of a huge bed, some stupid eighties flick I never bothered to watch when I was human, playing on the TV while we cuddle each other, naked, and very clearly satisfied.

Someone else's future. Not mine. Never mine. I don't get to...I don't get to be...

"Stop lying to me!" I collapse completely, crying harder than I thought possible, emotions being unbottled at an alarming rate. " one..."

Axel pulls his finger free and scoops me into a bridal carry. "I've got you."

He sits on the floor, back against the wall and turns me until I face him, legs off to one side, holding me while I shatter.

"No one likes me," I sob, shoving uselessly at his tight hug. "This is a really fucking mean trick."

"No trick," Axel rumbles. "Trust me, I wish it was, because this is going to be a region-wide nightmare to explain, but here we all are." He pushes me back and holds my wet gaze. "Falling for a vampire."

I cover my face, but he grabs my wrists and pulls them away, so I stare at the ceiling again, letting the dumb tears drip down my temples.

"I don't wish it was," Nash says. "And you can do your worst to me, pretty girl. It won't matter. I can be a tad..." The pause piques my curiosity, so I glance at him, and he holds my stare for a beat before a slow smile forms, tugging at my lower stomach, "obsessive."

No idea what he means by that, but it's exciting to think I managed to find the most toxic quad of werewolves out there. Maybe he's a closet serial killer and we can play hide the corpse.

"I don't wish it was, either," Luca says, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

"Me either," Bowie mutters, giving my hair a tug.

"Fine, I don't either," Axel sighs. "Trying to save the smallest bit of face, and you all show me up. The truth is, life didn't really mean much, just a bunch of politics and fights. Now, there's you. A spicy treat we get to have forever."

It's 'forever' that breaks me.

NP: Poor candy. #Imnotaniceauthor
Next episode coming: 6-19-23
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