Why Is That So Hot?

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He jerks his finger free and lets me drop. I can't even take a breath to complain before he flips me, and wraps his furry mitt around my throat. It doesn't even fit without pushing my chin up, it's so big.

Shit, this is so hot. I mewl like a kitten, grabbing his wrist and fighting to get leverage with my feet.

Axel lowers his massive wolfish head, a snarl vibrating his mouth. He's a stunning, shiny black from snout to tail with wisps of silver at the sides of his eyes. A monstrous, growling, death dealer staring me straight in the face.

My survival instinct kicks in, and when his glowing, murderous eyes lock on mine, I feel it.

True fear.

They glow brighter, power filling the room, pushing on me at all angles. Despite not wanting to, I wince and crane my face to the side, doing everything I can to break the intensity. I kick harder, bucking, fighting. I don't actually want to die today, it turns out.

A set of hands grips each calf, forcing my knees to bend, and my hips as wide as they'll go. I shout when my left hip snaps out of joint, but the heavy body that fills the much wider space sends my horny level into the stratosphere.

A final set of hands grabs my face and forces it center. Nash's particular scent fills my nose as he leans closer.

"Open your eyes, pretty girl."

"No thanks," I wheeze around Axel's grip.

They all chuckle. Bowie and Luca kneel on my feet, running claws up my inner thighs, as Axel huffs and settles his huge body over me.

My heart is gonna explode, I swear.

"Openn," Axel growls, and my eyes snap to his. I shake from head to toe, arching with need and terror.

He leans down until I can only see his face, his eyes, our...future. Again with this shit.

This time we're siting at a huge table, laughing. They're eating and I'm drinking a blood bag and they couldn't care less. I've never smiled as big as I am in this vision.

I open my mouth to shout at him, but he buries his huge tongue in it. His jaw swallows my face, teeth pressing into my skin.

Unnh, that shouldn't be hot, but it is. Like the most perverse possession ever.

He lines his scalding, blunt, enormous cock up with my opening and slams his hips forward. I scream, muffled. Fuuuuuck, it's as big as his arm!

His cock takes no prisoners as it drives inside me, relentless, over and over. We skid along the floor with each thrust, his nails clacking on the surface as he keeps step. My head ends up in Nash's lap, pressing against his hard cock, and he grinds against me, shamelessly.

Every bone, every nerve, every muscle lights on fire with lust. I literally couldn't imagine a more erotic scenario than this.

Axel's fur is coarse and thick, his body warm and heavy, his rhythm perfect, and it's no time at all before I moan and writhe through one of the biggest orgasms ever.

He thrusts faster, and Nash leans forward around us. He grabs my wrist and arches my arm backward, forcing my fingers around his cock. I grip him with all my strength, and all he does is groan, fucking himself with it, watching.

Who even knows how many minutes pass like this, but eventually Nash gets closer, changing the speed. Axel growls, railing me harder and withdraws his tongue, tilting his head toward the ceiling. With a massive, ground quaking roar, he unloads. It's almost too hot against my frigid insides.

And I swear I can feel it spreading inside, attacking my body, changing things. Better? Worse? Who fucking knows. It feels amazing.

I gasp, working my jaw back into place, and Nash gets to his knees. "Hold out your tongue."

Out it juts with a flicking flourish. He smirks and grabs it, tugging it farther than it should go. He strokes himself faster, while Axel thrusts a few more times.

"Yeah, look at that," Nash croons as he shoots on my face. Hot, though it's nothing new. Until he leans forward, still holding my tongue, and grabs the first drop that landed outside, from my chin. He smears it on my tongue slowly, and my nose flares. Why. Why is that hot?

He does the same thing with every drop that didn't land in my mouth. He paints my tongue with cum, getting off on watching it get more and more covered, and I'll be damned if I don't get hot again.

But when Luca leaves my left thigh and crawls toward my head, Nash leans back. Luca dives at my mouth the second Nash releases my tongue. He worships me, sucking, licking, and for some reason, it's a highly charged moment.

It's almost like he just wants to feel his pack mate in my mouth, some sort of proof of claim, a bonding thing, I dunno. But my stupid brain dares to get emotional.

Still, I'm quite enjoying myself until Bowie bites down on my right thigh, sharp teeth piercing with no resistance. I scream into Luca's mouth as waves and waves of boiling lava slither through my muscles, radiating outward from the mark.

Nash bites next, on the soft side of my stomach.

My heart pumps faster and faster, nipples turning rock hard as my throat dries. My ears ring, my cunt clenches like a vice. It's a whole system freakout and I don't know what to do about it.

Axel shifts back to man form around me, his grip on my throat softening, human eyes seeking mine.

"Easy, princess, breathe through it." Axel's voice is a focal point, centering and calming and that pisses me off because I don't need that. I don't need to have someone be my anything.

I thrash, determined to break free and hurt them for hurting me, but my mouth refuses to clamp down on Luca. Literally, I can't make myself bite him.

He's gone in a flash, removing the temptation. My screams of agony fill the room, shredding my throat.

I know the second Luca finds his spot because he curls under my other leg, and sharp teeth sink into my inner thigh.

Bowie hasn't let go yet, bite getting tighter and tighter as he groans. They're all biting harder, in fact. Growls and groans fill the room, while Axel keeps his hand around my throat, pinning me to the floor.

"Eyes on me, look here."

"Fuuuccck y—" They glow brighter than ever, freezing me in place. "It hurts," I whisper, bottom lip trembling.

And I don't mean regular pain.

"I know, princess." He leans closer pressing his forehead to mine. "But you couldn't ask for a more devoted set of guys."

I'm shaking from head to toe, but Axel leans back, clearing my line of sight. All three of them have their beautiful glowing eyes settled on mine. Utterly focused, utterly happy.

Axel kisses the side of my neck and I sob. Full on ugly cry. Until his teeth slice into my skin with surgical precision.

Everything stops. And I mean everything. The room turns white, the walls turn to liquid, it's too bright, it's too clean. There's no pain at all anymore. I can't even feel my endless hunger. Just pulses of connection slithering through me from each bite and slamming together in my heart like an atom bomb.

I gasp a huge breath, arching off the floor as my heart squeezes.

They all let their bites go at the same time, bathing their spots with a single lick. As my mind hazes, Axel pops my hip back into place, giving my clit a loving swipe with his tongue.

I would say I fall asleep, but vamps can't do that. Also, I don't wanna admit I pass out.

But that's exactly what I do.

NP: Whew! I love these guys.
Next episode coming: 7-17-23

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