Lucky Me

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"You're all just going to die," I sob. "I'll be alone again, and I hate this!"

"You won't be alone," Luca says, kneeling beside me, tugging off my shoes, followed by my pants.

I wait until my feet are clear before I aim a kick at his head. He catches my foot like he saw it coming a mile away, giving it a squeeze, completely unfazed.

"Obviously I will. I'll live forever, duh!"

Axel grabs my throat and repositions me until I'm straddling his thighs. He leans me back and forces me to look into his eyes.

"Make you a deal."

"I don't want your stupid dea—"

He yanks me forward and claims my mouth in a desperate kiss, pushing me back before I can settle into the heat explosion inside me.

"I'll stake you with my dying breath."

Everything stops. My breathing. My heart. The pain. The tears. The choking loneliness that's loomed in the back of my brain for as long as I can remember.


I heard him. I just need to hear it again.

"Uh, maybe that's the wrong tactic, Boss," Luca says as he runs his fingers through my hair.

Axel's hand leaves my throat, and he cups the side of my face, his other joining before he tugs me close enough to bump noses.

"The last thing I'll do before I die is kill you so hard your sire will wish he never bit you to begin with."

I choke on a final sob, swallowing it down. Warmth wiggles through my body, not painful this time. Soothing. Delicious.

"You mean it?" I whisper, grabbing his wrists.

Bowie chuckles and elbows Luca in the ribs. "Right tactic as usual. You gotta stop doubting the Boss, man."

Axel keeps his focus tight on me, the resolve in his eyes as real as my aching fangs.

"You won't live a day without us, princess. That's a promise."

He means it. He really does. Closing my eyes and leaning into his touch, I embrace the heat, letting the weird sensation travel my body. The grip on my heart tightens like the hug of a lover. My already heightened senses crank up to twelve, and I can feel them individually inside.

Each of them has their own scent, their own colors in my mind. It's so fucking overwhelming, and I should be angry that something else is taking control, but it just feels right. They're mine, same as I'm theirs.

Bowie frees me from my jacket and smooths his palms down my arms. Nash glides his fingers up the inside of my thigh, making me tremble with an almost crippling, desperate ache in my clit.

My eyes fly open, met with a smirking Axel. "The poor girl needs something, I think."

Luca threads a knee between Axel's legs, settling his back at mine and his hand under my shirt. "Maybe it's time?"

"Time for what," I groan, leaning back against his thin, warm frame as his fingers dance higher, teasing over my nipple.

Axel growls, sending my ingrained enemy alert system into full blast. Adrenaline floods my veins, and I almost launch myself away to prepare for attack, but he holds me in place by my face, the other three going rigid in their touches the same second.

"The mate marks," he says, sharp teeth revealing themselves in his devil's grin.

"We each get to mark you," Bowie says in an almost purr, wrapping his fingers around my bicep and pressing a newly forming claw against the skin. "Maybe I'll carve my name right here."

Nash's gaze dips to my stomach, that devious smile holding strong. "I've picked my spot."

Axel's chuckle raises hairs on my arms. "That slender, sexy neck is mine. Up high, so everyone can see it."

My lungs hiccup, and I nod once, closing my eyes. "Okay, whatever. Just...get it over with."

"Oh, no. That's not how this works." I peek through my lashes and there's a devastatingly sexy glint of malice aimed at me. "You're gonna beg for my bite. Just like you're gonna beg to come."

I scoff, even though I could die of arousal right here, right now. "You obviously don't know me. I don't beg for anything. I get what I want and that's that."

Axel's laugh is downright predatory, his gorgeous mouth begging to get punched. "Is that right?"

Nash chuckles softly, tucking hair behind my ear. "She couldn't be more perfect for us if she tried." He shoots in, closing the distance in less than a heartbeat, snarling in my ear. "I like breaking girls like you. If the boss wants to hear you beg, you're going to beg so loud you lose your voice."

I need to clench my thighs more than I need to feed ever again, but I can't. Doesn't stop me from trying though, which only earns me more attention.

In a rapid move, Axel flips us, hand on my throat, pinning my back to the floor, hips wedged between my legs. I hook my ankles around him, pulling him closer but he doesn't budge.

"Desperate already. This is too easy, bloodsucker. I thought you'd put up a bit of a fight for me."

"At least try, pretty girl," Nash croons.

Excitement blazes my nerves again. Part of me worried they'd want to turn me into some fucking docile house mouse, but no. He—they—really want me exactly like I am.

"Oh, I can fight, meat bag, if that's what you want." I buck and manage a few MMA moves to free myself. I flip and land on my feet near the farthest wall, fists up, fangs out.

Axel breathes deeply, shaking his shoulders and cracking his neck as he stands, grin wild and eyes wilder. His head almost brushes the ceiling, and he practically fills the room. Fuck my life I forgot how big he is. Or wait...oh. He's growing. Shit.

I convulsively swallow, working my fists. Stupid sex-addled brain. He's a shifter and I was already having trouble with his human form. This could really hurt.

Lucky me.

I grin, swaying from foot to foot as the three smaller wolves step out of their shorts, revealing gorgeous, veiny cocks. But the grin falls a bit when Axel whips his belt free of the loops and tosses it behind himself.

He stalks toward me, undoing his pants as he goes, and when he shoves them down to the ground, freeing his absolutely monumental cock, I whimper.

I actually whimper.

"I bet we can train her to run," Luca says, body shivering and growing a little like he's about to shift.

"That's a great idea. I haven't ever done that." Bowie groans, gripping himself hard.

"Would you like that, pretty girl?" Nash says, tilting his head again, stroking himself as he walks. "To be hunted down like the prey you are?"

I open my mouth to say any number of things, but Axel barks, "Just like that, princess."

I melt a bit, the name making me feel weirdly small and protected. He's in front of me the next second, blunt thumb hooking over my bottom teeth. "Wider."

His sweet scent fills my head again, dulling my mind. He yanks downward, a delicious pain hitting my jaw, and ducks, looking into my mouth.

Without warning, he leans in and runs his wide tongue along the surface of my fang.

NP: Uh oh. My girl's kryptonite. 😇
Next episode coming: 6-26-23

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