I Refuse To Beg

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I don't mean to keen so loudly, or even at all, but holy fuck, that's the hottest thing ever.

Fangs are very personal, very private. They're hypersensitive and for good reason. We've got to be able to detect slight changes in blood pressure, in pulse, so we'll know when our food is about to die. Helps us stop in time.

Well, most of us.

I've never let anyone touch mine. Ever.

"Oh, you like that, too." He wraps his other hand around my hair, craning my head back, thumb still hooked on my jaw, and licks my fang again, circling the tip of his tongue around the back.

"Shit," I whisper, my whole body trembling, hands clawing for purchase against the wall behind me.

Axel mashes his body against mine, grinding that erection against my stomach as he absolutely worships my fang. Our tongues tangle on several passes, until I'm too delirious to do anything but moan.

I know I'm dripping wet, I can feel it, soaking through the thin fabric.

Nash is here at my side first, freeing my hand from the wall and wrapping it around his cock. He trails a hand up my inner thigh again, making the barest of contact with my lips. I jolt like lightning's struck me dead. No one's touch has ever done that for me. There must really be something to this whole fated mates junk.

I work my fingers around the head of Nash's cock, dragging his pre-cum down the shaft. He hums his satisfaction, teasing his fingers over my flesh, working me to an absolute frenzy. Since I can't close my mouth, the whole room is full of just my loud moaning, underscored by Nash's groans, and a growling Axel.

I don't know what Bowie and Luca are waiting for, but I stop caring when Nash dips under the edge of my panties and rubs my clit directly.

"Yesss, like that." I arch, but Axel growls, snapping his head back.

"Don't you fucking come, princess. Not unless you beg for it."

We stare at each other while I decide how I want to play this. The thought of letting this man—any man, but especially a shifter—tell me what I can and can't do is enough to send me into a rage spiral. But something about this feels different. It's not a play for power in the bad way, not a "girls are stupid so I have to tell them how to breathe" way. It more like a promise of something better.

Then again, I've never been one for delayed gratification.

I flare my nostrils and buck against Nash's fingers, getting almost enough pressure to do the job. Axel's hand closes around my throat before my hips even make it back to the wall.

"I was hoping you'd do that."

I'm on the ground the next second, ass up, face pressed to the dirty floor. Axel kneels on the back of my neck, the pain of his size sending even more lust through me.

Bowie twists one of my arms up the middle of my back, holding it in place as he uses me like a platform. He planks a bit, braced on me and the floor, lining his cock up with my mouth.

I almost bite it, but the idea of genuinely hurting one of them makes my blood turn to ice. I blink away the weird emotion that causes, and hold my tongue out, letting him slide home.

His groan is much richer than Nash's, with a gravel at the end that gives me chills.

He's not even careful, and my fang nicks a vein on the top. He moans again, and a drop of his spicy, bitter blood lands on my tongue. I brace for the gag, the sear, the violent repulsion shifter blood always causes in us.

But it doesn't taste bad. Like, at all. In fact, it tastes the way they all smell to me, sweet and perfect. Not a damn vamp in my clan would believe me if I told them.

"Nice touch with the fangs," he says on a groan, hitting the back of my throat before he's even all the way in. "Yeah, fuck that feels so good."

I almost choke on a random cry. Again, I half expected him to tell me not to bite, to cap my damn fangs or something. But no. He seems just as okay with whatever I do as I am with them.

Luca lines up beside Bowie, watching and stroking himself, running his fingers along my spine. "I'm glad you're enjoying this so much, little mate. We haven't been able to really let loose before."

Not like I can reply with a cock stuffed in my mouth, but I do catch his gaze and wink. I barely have time to wonder what Luca's version of let loose is when he shows his sadistic cards.

"How much pain can you take, you think, and still come?" His fingertip slides upward and connects with my elbow, shoving it higher, bit by bit until my shoulder is throbbing.

I moan around Bowie, wiggling a bit at the thought. I honestly don't know, because these guys are finding and breaking limits I wasn't aware of.

I've got eyes on everyone else, which means it's Nash's hands I feel gripping my ass, spreading it wide.

Without warning, he buries his face in me, tongue flat and firm against my clit. It feels amazing and intense, like my body knows he's different, special, and every bit of me is tuned in. A single flick is all I get, but my hips jerk, heat blistering through my core. My hands are no use, and I can't grind on anything...god damn it. I refuse to beg.

He pulls back with a hum. "You taste...perfect." His fingers dig into my skin and he dives back in, ravenous. That tongue works magic, tasting every inch of me, and I'm moaning around Bowie's cock like I'm being paid to.

Axel slaps his giant hand on my ass, and I yelp on reflex, but then he stuffs his middle finger in my slit, literally using it to lift my hips higher.

No idea why that's as hot as it is, but I realize why he's done it when I try to grind against him and I can't. I have no leverage. I lift my neck only a bit, but he pushes his knee down against it harder, leaving no wiggle room at all.

I think this might be what happiness feels like.

"That's close enough, Nash," Axel rumbles, finger lodged deep inside me.

Nash pulls back slowly, and I can just imagine how wet his face is. Bowie winds his fingers through my hair, holding my head steady as he thrusts deeper. I don't have a gag reflex to speak of, but all the parts are still there, so every time he slams into the back of my throat, my eyes water.

It only hurts a little. Honestly, he could go a lot harder, and I'd be thrilled.

Do shifters know about one of our more...special vamp skills? Considering he's okay with the fang nicking him, I decide to chance it. Hopefully, since I'm not trying to hurt him, this freaky ass bond thing won't keep me from doing it.

I clamp down without mental resistance. My eyes roll back as my fangs pierce the slight resistance of skin and hit a rush of warm blood.

"Holy fuck!" Bowie's shoulder's seize, his grip on my hair wonderfully tight. He snarls, teeth shifting into their razor sharp forms, elongating as his eyes glow, but he doesn't try to pull out.

I'll take that as a good sign. I draw his blood and swallow, immediately sending a wave of euphoria in its place. We can't just go around blasting people with come-voodoo. There has to be an equal exchange. Just more stupid vampire rules.

This one I don't mind so much, though.

NP: What are we thinking so far?!
Next episode coming: 7-3-23

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