The Better Deal

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I stare at the spot, watching the last wisps of shadow curl up to the sky.

Fuck me, he's right, isn't he? But how? I mean, it's not even possible! Well, it's possible alright, but logistically speaking—

"I swear to all that's unholy, this better be worth it."

I step into the same shadow that ferried Vex and hold in the nothingness for a moment before I shove through the door to Dragon.

Barely two steps inside and I'm attacked by feelings, but not the good kind.

They aren't here. There are a few random customers scattered about, but no hulking Alpha or his pack.

Tucker glances up from wiping out a glass and pauses, eyes wide.

Waitaminnut. Why does he look guilty?

I stomp up to the bar and point at him. "What was in that potion?"

"Quite a few rare ingredients," he says nonchalantly, looking down at his task.

"That's not what I mean."

"Say what you mean then, vampire."

We lock eyes as I purse my lips. Fae and their specificity. "What," I inhale, "is the effect that potion is intended to produce?"

He smiles, closing the distance until he's right in front of me, still focused on the completely dry glass in his hand.

"Were I in a sharing mood, I'd tell you."

I wait for the rest, but it doesn't come. "O...kay. What would it take for you to be in a sharing mood?"

His eyes flash neon green, lips curling at the ends. "What are you offering?"

For the love of—I pat my pockets, coming up empty. It's not like I can give him a fang, and my blood isn't even mine, so that's pretty pointless. Maybe...

"One of my hairs?"

He tilts his head in thought. "Yesterday you were a nobody. But now, you especially rare individual." His palm appears. "I accept your gift."

"Gee, thanks, freak," I mutter to myself, plucking a hair from the back and slapping it in his hand. "I thought I had complinsults down, but that was good."

He leans closer, crooking his finger, and I match his position. "If you follow the directions, the potion will facilitate your correction."

My heart stops. "My what?"

"It is removing what you don't need," he says, as if that makes more sense. "Making room for what you'd rather be."

God, I knew this was a terrible idea.

"Don't need? I—what would I rather be?" I whisper.

"That's the easiest part to figure out."

I frown and scowl. I hate the Fae. Why can't they just say what something is, instead of all this wimbly-sideways talk?

"Whatever. Listen, so, those guys I was, you know. That were here, uh, with me. Before."

"I remember. They left."

My lip trembles a bit, so I bite it, giving him a nod. "Cool. Good. Yeah, that's. 'Kay."

"You also left," he adds, like I care.

"Duh, I know that."

He blinks at me. "And came back."

"I literally know that!" I point at my chest. "I'm right here."

The air crackles off to my left, the voodoo guard glowing a bit around the edges.

Rather than get myself pinned to a wall by magic and drained for two weeks, I take a slow breath and smile. "Thanks Tucker. See you around."

His gaze snaps above my head, a small smile forming as he steps back. "I think I got the better deal with your hair. Vampire, I will owe you one answer in the future. Choose wisely."

What in the—

A hand closes around my throat from behind. I'm ripped off the barstool and flung into the hallway before I can form the rest of that thought, but not before the smell of pure, unadulterated joy punches me in the nose.

I hit the wall on the farthest end with an oof and a sob. "You're here."

"You're fucking right, I am," Axel growls, and storms toward me. I barely get to my feet when he grabs my throat again, choking me and slamming my back into the wall again.

There are tear stains on his weathered cheeks, red rims around his eyes. Sadness has never looked so beautiful.

"Never," another back slam, "do that," another, softer, "again."

"Fuck you," I whisper, barely getting the word out before he crushes his mouth to mine.

I wrap my legs around him, hanging on his neck as he molds me to his chest. It's the most intense, hate/love filled, deliriously sexy make-out session I've ever had the good fortune to have. He bites my lip hard before leaning back and cupping my face.

"Your God damn name is Candy, and I'm sorry we didn't ask."

Holy shit. I blink at him, not even able to hide my smile.

"Very sorry, pretty girl," Nash's voice pours down my back like warm water as he steps into the room.

I nod, chewing at my swollen lip as a tear drops. "So, what'd it cost you to find out?"

Axel's anger fades the longer he holds me, and the more he studies my face. "You don't want to know, princess."

Emotion clogs my throat, and I gulp it down. I missed the stupid nickname, just that fast. I even missed pretty girl, because he's just so genuine. He really does think I'm pretty.

"Worth it," Luca says with a grin. "We were about to start interrogating every vampire we came across, but something told the boss to check here one more time."

"Every vampire, huh?" I ask Axel, gazing down into his big, brown eyes.

"My new purpose was going to be finding you." He squeezes me so tight I can't breathe in. "I'm dead fucking serious, Candy. Don't run from me again. From us. If something had happened, I—"

"Okay," I whisper, nodding over and over. "Fuck you, but okay."

He laughs through his nose and kisses me deeply again, his massive hand cupping the back of my head.

NP: See?? I'm not all bad!!! #HFNPromised
Next episode coming: 8-14-23

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