(a+f) wait for me | c. nakahara x gn!reader

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content: no manga spoilers, angst to fluff

6kcontent: no manga spoilers, angst to fluff

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it was snowing.

flurries of white fell from the sky, sticking on the first surface they could reach. the air felt dry, and hard to breathe in. it was also quiet, everyone basking in the warmth of their homes instead of spending time outside.

things were different for a certain port mafia executive. chuuya nakahara trudged through the snow with heavy feet as he became lost in his thoughts. yes, he was freezing his ass off, literally, but he continued walking on in that weather.

his hands, clad in black gloves like they always were, were colder. in this weather, he'd keep one hand in his pocket and the other in your hand, but you weren't there.

you were gone, long gone. from his life? hopefully not permanently. but for the past 2 years, your presence has been absent from his life. after some problems involving mori, the port mafia's boss, you quit. for good.

not only did you leave the port mafia, but you left the beloved city you called home. a home, once stained with the blood of someone you love, is hard to stay in.

for being so close to each other, chuuya felt like you were standing quite a distance away. after everything that has happened, he saw this conversation coming. he knew it before the words could even leave your lips— you were leaving.

your arms held him close while you held your breath. this would be goodbye until you meet again. if you meet again.

"wait for me, okay?" you removed your arms from his waist and cupped his cheeks. "i promise i'll come back. i don't know when, but-"

"i get it, i do. go ahead. i'll be right here."

his thumbs traced your lips, then your cheeks, under your eyes, down your jawline. although chuuya already had every dip and curve in your body memorized, he wanted to get a good look one last time. oh, how mesmerizing you were under the moon.

chuuya's lips made it to yours, giving you a soft kiss that spoke a million words. for however long you'd be gone, he'd wait.

the orange-haired man continued to walk through the snow towards his loft, which the two of you once shared. his cheeks were a bright red by the time he arrived. his gloved hands opened the door. wait—

"i see you're back."

upon hearing the familiar voice, chuuya paused in his spot. he let his guard down before he turned to the side. you stood there with a large brown bag in your hands. the smell of food wafted throughout the air and reached his nose.

"i'm back? you're back, y/n..." he stood in shock. there was an awkward silence before chuuya asked, "so, uh, how are you?"

you laughed at his attempt to make conversation. you clutched the paper bag a tad tighter while he furrowed his brows. he questioned you, "hey... what's so funny?"

you smiled, "nothing, nothing. i'm just happy to see you again, you know. but, um, are you happy to see me?"

you shifted your weight as you anticipated his answers. you thought that 2 years was plenty of time to get over someone. he told you he'd be waiting, yet you let doubt plant itself in your mind.

"happy?" chuuya started to walk towards you. "it's way more than that, damn it."

swiftly, chuuya grabbed the bag from your hands and held it with his left arm. his right hand slithered up your neck, the feeling of the cool leather sending shivers down your spine. you tilted your head, meeting chuuya's lips.

he brushed his thumb slightly before moving his complete whole hand to the nape of your neck. you buried the tips of your fingers into his hair, also holding his neck in a similar fashion.

"i've missed you so damn bad," chuuya spoke once you broke apart.

you buried your head into the crook of his neck, "oh chuuya, i've missed you too. thank you for waiting."

"of course, i did tell you i'd wait."

a smile graced your face, "i'm glad you're a man of your word. but... there is one thing i need you to do."

he raised a brow, "name it."

"give me one more, please?" you noticed chuuya's confused expression. "a kiss, silly. you don't know how much i've missed them— how much i've missed you."

the tips of his ears turned red as he exhaled. chuuya looked at you through his orange strands of hair, "that was the plan from the start, when we get inside."

as you turned towards the door, chuuya hand gently cupped your chin. you felt him leave a kiss on your jawline, a smug smile forming on his face as he opened the door before you could.

"that should suffice for now, shouldn't it?"

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