Nice To Meet You

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You wake up from your alarm. It's currently 7:00 AM and you have to get ready for work. You work as a barista at a coffee shop. You turn over to the other side of your bed to see your boyfriend, Kosei, who is sound asleep. You smile and give him a soft peck on his forehead before you carefully shuffle out of bed, making sure you don't wake him up. 

You do your daily routine to get ready for the day: brush your teeth, put a small amount of makeup on your face(or no makeup if you'd rather), brush your hair, and slip on your work uniform which was just a pair of black leggings and a black polo with the company's logo on the corner of it. Once you're done with all that, you slip on your shoes, grab your keys, and walk out of your apartment. It was a bright, sunny day outside with a slight breeze in the air. 

Oh, whoops! I almost forgot to tell you. You are Y/N. You're twenty years old and you're an average human being. You're not a hero, villain, or vigilante for that matter. Your quirk is called Time. You can fast-forward, rewind, and stop time in objects or humans. The only downside to it is that if you try to stop time, your nose bleeds and you faint from it easily. You found that out when you were in high school. Two people from your class would bully you into trying to use your powers for their own sake. They would try and get you to stop time so they could sneak out of class, but every time they demanded that from you, you always said no until one day, the one bully punched you until you agreed to do it. It took him punching you about four times for you to agree. So during class that day, you tried using your quirk to stop time, and it worked for about five seconds before your nose started dripping with blood and you started feeling light-headed and passed out, head slumped on your desk. That day, you had to go to the hospital to get checked up which is when you found out that you nearly died from stopping time. Your parents were so worried, so they had you never use that part of your quirk again. Though you almost died for other people's selfish sakes, you never told anyone about the true reason why you tried stopping time.

But enough of that backstory! You're much better now anyway. You start making your way to the coffee shop which is about a five or six-minute walk. You were perfectly content as you walked to the shop until you felt someone abruptly grab your wrist. You turn your head to see a creepy, older-looking man. 

He has a sly smirk on his face as he says in a gruff voice, "Hey pretty girl. Would you mind having a little fun with me?" You cringe as you try to break free from his grasp, but he doesn't budge, so you say, "Go find someone your age to fuck, weirdo." You made the guy angrier as he tightened his grip on your wrist and his smirk turned into him gritting his teeth as he slightly growled at you. He was starting to hurt you a bit. "Listen here bitch, you're gonna come with me right now," the man says as he raises his voice a little more. 

Now you were starting to feel a bit frightened. You opened your mouth, about to make another smart remark until you heard the voice of an adult about your age say, "Now now. That's no way to treat a lady." You both turn your heads to see who spoke, both having shocked expressions and seeing who it was. It was none other than the number two hero, Hawks, walking towards you and the man. He had a slightly menacing look on his face which scared the man off. 

You looked and held your wrist as you chuckled and watched him run away like the coward he was. "Aw, man. I just wanted to talk," Hawks says as he chuckles and walks next to you. You rolled your eyes and looked up at him. "I had him covered, you know," you said, slightly annoyed. He smirks and slightly moves his face closer to yours while looking down at you, his arms crossed. "That's why you weren't able to get his hand off your wrist, right?" He says. You roll your eyes and continue walking to the coffee shop. "You're welcome," he shouts happily in the distance. He was trying to be cocky.

"Sheesh. What a morning," you thought to yourself as you walked. Before you know it, you're outside of the coffee shop. You lift the door open and walk in. The smell of coffee immediately hits your nose which is what you loved the most about your job. "Oh hey, Y/N! How are you this morning?" you hear your friend Shiro say behind the counter with a cheerful smile. 

Shiro has been a good friend of yours ever since you got the job as a barista which was almost two years ago. "Morning, Shiro," you say as you head for the other side of the counter and put your apron on. "Man, it's been a weird morning so far," you tell Shiro. "Really? What happened?" she asks. You tell her about the man and how Hawks scared him off and even how you got a bit annoyed by his cockiness. 

Shiro was shocked. "You're so lucky! I bet he looks hotter up close," she says, shocked as can be. Shiro has been a pretty big fan of Hawks ever since he became a hero. She's practically a fangirl. Throughout the day, you and Shiro talk on and on about random things as you serve customers until you hear a familiar voice say, "Well well. Long time no see." 

You turn around to see Hawks, leaning on the counter. Shiro stood there ecstatic. You chuckle and go up to him at the counter. "So now you're stalking me?" you ask him. His face immediately changes as he scrambles his words and tries to tell you, "It's not what you think. I swear." 

You laugh and tell him, "Relax. It's just a joke." Hawks slightly blushes and clears his throat while also laughing along with you for a bit until the both of you calm down and he looks around him, making sure he didn't attract anyone's attention. He was already making a risky move by walking into a public cafe in the center of the city. "Ok, look. I gotta make this quick before my fans start cornering me, but I would like you to come with me tonight at the bar," he asks with a slight smile. You raise your eyebrows and you tell him right away, "Yeah I hate to break it to you, but I have a boyfriend I have to get home to." 

Hawks sighs but smiles. "Fine, but at least text me if you want," he insists. Just at that moment, he gently grabs your hand, gets a pen out of his pocket, and writes what looks like his number on your palm. You smile softly and you are about to say thank you, but before you can say it, Hawks starts rushing out the door and flies away. You hear Shiro swoon from behind you. 

"This day just keeps getting crazier and crazier," you thought to yourself. You froze in shock from what just happened. You didn't know whether to feel happy or upset about this. "Ahem?"  you hear Shiro say behind you, trying to get your attention. You turn around confused. 

"What?" you ask her. "You should've said yes! Don't you realize the number two hero just asked you out? The HOT number two hero at that!" she says as she raises her voice slightly. "Shiro, you're nuts! I have a boyfriend already. I can't just abandon him for some famous, attractive hero," you answer. "Besides, I can't go either way. It's my turn for the closing shift tonight," you add. Shiro sighs. "Fair point. Well, at least you got his number!" she says as you and her continue to serve customers until it's 8:00 PM which is when Shiro has to go.

 "Ok. I'm out. Text me when you get home. Cya!" Shiro tells you as she walks out the door. You wave to her and start the closing shift which consisted of sweeping the floors, cleaning the tables and counter, and bagging up the pastries in the display case. Once you were finally done with all of that, you put the cleaning supplies away, grabbed your phone and jacket from your locker, and started walking out the door.


You turn off the lights and lock the door on your way out. Right when you walk out, you feel a nice, cool breeze hit your face. It felt refreshing. You start walking back home while you try to call your boyfriend, but you get no answer. "He probably has a late shift again," you thought to yourself. Your boyfriend has been starting to get more late shifts at his job lately, so you're home alone for the night.

You've tried to call Shiro before to see if she could come over, but she always says she's busy with some things. Whatever that means. You look at the palm of your hand and look at the number that Hawks wrote on it. You started considering possibly calling him when you were home, but you weren't sure if it would jeopardize your relationship with Kosei. You kept on walking with about three minutes left of the walk when suddenly, you felt someone shove you aside into a dark alleyway.

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