So, We Meet Again

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You finally reach your destination. You smile and try to catch your breath before knocking when you finally do, you feel your heart sink a bit and you start getting a bit nervous, but you still proceed to walk up to his door and knock. It only took you doing it one time for Keigo to answer. When he opens the door, he realizes it's you and he freezes. You both look at each other right in the eyes for a brief moment when you feel a wave of emotion hit you, making you tear up and run up to him to hug him tight. 

At first, he's shocked, but he eventually realizes what's happening and he hugs you back, running his fingers through your hair with one hand and the other placed on the small of your back. You could tell he's been hurting lately as well. You felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I had just listened to you, none of this would've happened," you say while crying. "Hey. None of this is your fault. Don't blame yourself," he says as he rests his head on your shoulder while hugging you. 

Once you break the hug, you and Keigo look at each other for a very brief moment and he smiles at you before he reaches his hand out to wipe the tears off your face with his thumb. You finally felt comfortable after so long. "If you want, you can stay here with me. I can help you get through this pain in whatever way possible." You smile up at him and say, "OK."  He lets go and puts his jacket on while saying, "I was actually about to go on a bit of a flight. Wanna come with?" 

Your heart flutters. You haven't flown with Keigo ever since the day you split up. You nod your head in excitement and you walk with him as he walks out to his balcony. As he did before, he picks you up, holds you tight, and launches you into the air.

Right at that moment, you realized you'd been needing this. Being like this with Keigo made you feel the most comfortable. You didn't even feel this way with Kosei before. It felt special to you. You take a deep breath as Keigo flies everywhere with you above the city until he starts heading towards a mountain surrounded by grass plains. 

Once he gets closer to it, he starts slowly lowering down, making a perfect landing. As usual, he sets you down on your feet gently. You look around at the beautiful scenery. You never realized how gorgeous it was outside the city. The plains stretched out for miles and miles and there was even a tiny stream near you. 

There were dozens of different kinds of flowers everywhere and a few trees scattered throughout the area. "What made you come here?" you ask Keigo who's looking out at the sunset. "I like coming here. It reminds me that while there are still such fucked up things in this world, it can still be breathtaking." He had a point. You've seen so much bad throughout your life to the point where sometimes, you'd forget there was still good in this world at times. 

You walk next to Keigo and watch the sunset with him. He looks at you up and down as if he's scanning you. You notice him through your peripheral vision and look directly at him. "What?" you say, giggling. "I don't get it. How is it that you lose your best friend and your fiance and get injured because of your quirk all in one day and yet... you still have that beautiful smile on you?" 

Keigo's flirted with you in the past quite a few times but he's never said anything to you like that before. It made you blush and look away. You hear him chuckle as he still looks at you. He takes a few steps closer to you and asks again, "How?" You try to collect yourself and stop blushing. 

"Well, I guess it's because I don't normally dwell on the past, but this time, I'm in so much pain. I don't even know how I'm gonna be able to go to work now since I would work with Shiro without a problem and it makes me so sick that Kosei did all those nice things only for him to turn his back on me so many times with her and he'll never know that pain which makes me sick," You start rambling on about all the problems you're having with this whole situation but Keigo stops you because he realizes you're getting worked up about it. "Oi. Relax. You don't have to deal with this pain by yourself. You can stay with me for as long as you need and I'll help you in any way possible. Hell, I'll even help you find another job for you if you don't feel comfortable working at the cafe anymore," Keigo says reassuringly as he places his hands on your shoulder. You wanna cry again, but you wanna be in the moment with Keigo, so your chin up and walk around with him as he shows you the flowers, picks wild raspberries off of bushes with you, and even dips your feet in the stream for a moment which somehow lead to you and him splashing each other. At that moment, you felt alive and free from all your problems. You completely forgot about them all. You were happy with Keigo and you were glad he was still there for you even after the argument.

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