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I was worried sick when she called me and wasn't talking clearly. I rushed to her house immediately and I panicked when I saw her unconscious on the floor. I picked her up and flew her to the emergency room as fast as I could. As soon as they took her into a room, they had to resuscitate her. It took a few tries which scared me even more, but on their fourth attempt, they were able to get her back to life. 

They had to hook her up to some things and she was asleep for a while, but I didn't know whether she wanted to see me when she woke up. Still, I stayed for about 10 minutes and I sat with her. I held her hand and rested my head on it, thinking about why she would've passed out. She didn't have any marks on her body showing that she got beaten or stabbed or shot, and her detox scan came out clean so she wasn't drugged either. I guess I'll just have to ask her if I ever see her again. 

As I held her hand, I realized she didn't have a ring on it. Neither did her other hand. Did she find out the truth? Come to think of it, I saw tears starting to dry up on her face. Poor girl. 

I wonder how she found out. Suddenly, she started moving as if she was about to wake up. I immediately let go of her hand, which was so painful for me, and I rushed out of her room. If she truly wants to see me, then she can call or text me or even come to my house. I fly back home, feeling so guilty. I tried to keep my mind off of it, but it was no use. 

About two days later, I started to get the urge to visit her, but I still had doubts. That's when I heard a knock at the door. I was confused because I never got knocks at my door, but I still went and proceeded to open it. My heart skips a few beats when I see...it's Y/N. She's standing in front of me, alive and well. 

It's crazy. Just seeing her makes me freeze up and sucks all the words out of my mouth. She starts crying and she hugs me tight. I could tell she was truly hurt and I'm glad she came to me. I wanna help her in any way possible. 

I hug her back and run my fingers through her hair, hoping she'll feel some sort of comfort from it. She apologizes to me which kind of makes me feel guilty. As her friend (ugh that word hurts), I crossed the line when I told her my opinion on her boyfriend at the time, which is a pretty dick move in my opinion. I offered her to stay with me and she accepted it which I'm hoping somehow gets us closer to each other. As soon as I offered that, she smiled. I was kind of shocked considering how much pain she was in at the time. She's a tough woman. 

An idea hit me that I thought would make her feel better, so I carried her and flew her to one of my favorite places. She considered it magical which in a way, I thought the same. I showed her all the things there such as the streams, the flower patches, and the berry bushes. It was the time of my life. Later on, we watched the sunset together, and even later, we lay down next to each other and watched the stars. It was getting late though, and I still had to make dinner, so we flew back. 

I showered real quick while she hung out on her phone on my couch. She must've seen something she liked because when she saw me look at her when I caught her looking at me shirtless, she looked away. I couldn't help but laugh a little. I know she likes me, but I think a part of her is denying it. That damn bastard Kosei. 

He messed with her head so badly that she doesn't trust people as much as she used to anymore. Hopefully, that'll change over time. She gets in the shower and shortly after she gets in, I realize she has no PJs to get in, so I sent a few of my feathers to her house to get some. Embarrassingly enough as is, I had to also get her a bra and underwear. Hopefully, she didn't think I was being a pervert after doing that. 

I give her the clothes and I finally get to cooking. About three minutes into cooking, I start feeling "pleasure" in some parts of my body which only ever happens whenever someone touches my feathers a certain way. I keep feeling overwhelmingly good until I accidentally lose control of myself and my wings start tensing up and I shoot out a bunch of feathers. Y/N walks out of the bathroom which doesn't make things any better and to make things worse, her innocent self starts to pick up more of my feathers which accidentally makes me moan in front of her. I finally contained myself, and I kindly told her to let go of them which she did. 

I continued making dinner, hoping she wouldn't ask anything about what just happened, but sure enough, she did. I just thought of a cocky way to respond to it, but I almost get carried away as I looked into her eyes and I got a bit close to her face. If I'm being honest, I wanted to kiss her at that moment, but I thought that would've been too soon. Of course, she had a question for the answer I gave her. She's a curious little kitten. Wait. That's a weird way to put it. 

I finally finished making dinner, but I wanted to get an opinion on it before I served it, so I fed it to her. I honestly don't know where my mind was at that moment, but I'm kind of glad I did it. I got a cute reaction out of her from it. She walks to the pot on the stove and adds a few more drops of soy sauce to it. I get a bit confused and somewhat worried, but she feeds me some of it this time and I'm surprised by how much better it tastes. 

That's when I realized she's a good cook just like me. Another thing we have in common! I serve our bowls and we decide to watch a funny movie while we eat. We finished a small portion of it while we ate, and then after, we moved onto my couch to watch the rest of it. We laughed our asses off through a lot of it. 

I'm still wide awake and watching the movie, but I feel Y/N's head fall on my lap. I couldn't help but smile. She fell asleep on me, and she looked happy and peaceful. I brushed my finger on her cheek a few times and kept doing that till the movie was over. I wanted to stay like this forever. 

I carefully picked her up, hoping to god I wouldn't wake her. Good thing I didn't. I carried her to my bed, set her down, and covered up. I brushed my finger over her cheek one last time before I walked away, but she startled me as I heard her say in her sleep, "No. Please stay." I was a bit confused at first, but without hesitation, I climbed into bed with her and wrapped my arms around her. She was so warm and so comfortable. I fell asleep easily that night

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