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(Back to Y/N's POV)

You look at Kosei and then at the ring and say, "Of course, I will!" You spring out off the bench and hug Kosei tightly for a moment. Kosei takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto your finger. You watch him do so, and you kiss him passionately. You break the kiss and gently press your forehead against Kosei's for a moment. 

"What should we do? There's gotta be some way we can celebrate this, right?" you suggest. Kosei looks at you and says, "What if we get a mini cake from the store and some wine and bring it home and watch your favorite show or movie?" Your eyes lit up just thinking about it. "Let's do it!" you say with a cheery expression. You hold onto Kosei's arm tightly as you both walk to the nearest grocery store and liquor store. 

Conveniently enough, there was an alcohol aisle in the store, so while you were in the bakery section to pick out a cake, Kosei went to pick out a bottle of wine. You were debating whether you wanted to get a cheesecake variety pack or a double chocolate cake. The cheesecake variety pack came with two slices of each flavor: strawberry cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake, red velvet cheesecake, and pumpkin cheesecake. You wanted to pick that but the double chocolate cake was cheaper. Before you can decide in enough time, Kosei comes back with a bottle of red wine, your favorite kind. 

You smile at him and go back to deciding on a cake. You tell Kosei the flavors you were trying to decide on and how you wanted to get the double chocolate cake because it costs less, but Kosei insists on getting the cheesecake no matter how much it costs because he knows it's what you truly wanted. Kosei has always been stubborn like that at times, but you loved him and you just wanted to be with him for as long as you could.

That night, you got the wine and cheesecakes and went back home for the night. You both decided to watch a horror movie while you and Kosei relaxed in bed while trying all the cheesecake flavors and sipping on a few glasses of red wine. But unfortunately, the next day went back to the same old same old. You went back to work at the cafe and Kosei went back to working late shifts. The only different thing was that you didn't talk to Keigo. You thought about the fight you had with him yesterday and decided to text him:

Me: Hey. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday

The only thing is, you hesitated to hit send. In the end, you just saved the message as a draft. You did admit, you were acting like a bitch a bit, but you were also still a bit upset at Keigo for assuming that Kosei was cheating on you. You went on with your day and served customers while talking to Shiro like usual.




A week passes by quickly and within that week, you still haven't sent that message to Keigo. You never even paid any mind to it. It was another Monday and luckily, you had a short shift at the cafe. It flew by quickly and right after, you rushed out the door and walked straight to your house. You couldn't wait to just relax and binge-watch while eating ice cream. It was your guilty pleasure on days like this.

When you reach your house, you unlock the door and open it quickly.

Your heart drops. Right before you, You see Shiro and Kosei on your bed...having sex. They both stop and stare at you with the "Oh shit. I'm screwed" look on them. You drop your phone and keys in utter disbelief. An overwhelming wave of anger washed through your body.

"Y/N I-" Before Kosei could finish his sentence, you interrupted him by saying, "Why? You did all those things for me. Why?" "Y/N. I'm sorry." Kosei says. You raise your voice a lot higher than before. "Sorry?! That's all you have to say about this?! You cared for me for so long! You took me out to eat! You got me my favorite wine and cake! You asked me to marry you for fucks sake! Was that only to make me less suspicious that you were fucking my friend?!" Kosei looks down with a guilty look on his face.

"Y/N. Please try to calm down," Shiro tries telling you, which only makes you even more furious. "Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" You walk a bit closer to Shiro and continue yelling at her. "I trusted you! You were the only real friend I ever had and of course, you had to ruin that!" Tears start welling up in your eyes, causing your vision to go a bit blurry.

"I was wrong about you guys! I should've fucking listened to Hawks but like the dumbass I am, I stood up for the both of you and because of that, I lost him as a friend too!" Tears roll down your cheeks uncontrollably now and silence fills the house for a moment. "Both of you get clothes on and get the hell out of here! NOW!" you demand as both Kosei and Shiro embarrassingly struggle to get their clothes on and rush out the door. Before you close the door, you yank your engagement ring off your finger and throw it outside before you slam the door. You collapse onto the ground, feeling defeated.

You start to sob and out of nowhere, you feel your quirk activating as if it has a mind of its own. You feel the same way you felt a while back when you fainted in school from stopping time. Your vision went blurry, but it wasn't from tears this time. You struggle to stay awake. However, you were still conscious enough to reach for your phone and call someone. You scroll through your call log and call the first number that was there.

You couldn't read who it was though. "Hello?" a male voice answers. It's Keigo. You felt relieved, but you also struggled to breathe. "K-Keigo. I need...h-hel-" Before you could finish your sentence, your eyes started flickering. You drop your phone and you can hear Keigo panicking over the phone. That was the last thing you heard before you passed out.

Everything went dark

When you wake up, you flicker your eyes. You hear the beeping of a heart rate monitor. When you finally open your eyes completely, you look around and see yourself in a room. You notice you're hooked up to machines and you're laying down in bed. You realize right away that you're in a hospital.

You try to recall what happened but it's all just a blur to you. "Oh good! You're awake!" a doctor says as she walks into your room and up to you. She goes straight to checking you up, recording information on her clipboard as she goes along. "W-who brought me here?" you asked, still feeling a bit woozy. "I can't even believe it myself. The hero Hawks rushed you in, you lucky girl. He seemed worried about you. He even rested his head on your bed and held your hand for a moment before he left," the woman explains.

You blush at the thought of him being in this room with you and from what the doctor said, it seems that Keigo was very worried about you. "Now, you're gonna have to stay here for about three days before I can discharge you," the doctor says. You nod your head and the doctor leaves. You weren't looking forward to staying here for three days at all. You didn't have your phone to talk to Keigo and your now ex-best friend and ex-fiance went off and betrayed you, so you had nobody there for you.

In the end, you settled with watching something on the TV in your hospital room until you fall asleep again and for the rest of the night this time. The last two days you stayed there consisted of eating, watching TV, and sleeping. You just wanted to leave. You already had the idea of going to Keigo's house to apologize to him and thank him.

When the day finally came to get discharged, you were very eager. When the doctor comes in for you to sign a paper, you quickly scribble your name on it, pick up your clothes, and get straight to getting dressed. You walk out of the hospital and take a big sigh of relief but you still feel emptiness. You didn't know what to do now that you were finally out of the hospital. Yes, you wanted to talk to Keigo real quick but even so, what were you gonna do after that?

You feel a tear roll down your cheek, so you wipe it right away and just head for Keigo's house. You figured you'd just think about it while you're on your way there. You were so anxious to see Keigo. It felt very odd to you. You never really felt that way when it came to him.

Could it be because you have nobody left but him? Or could it be because you wanted him to get the satisfaction of you apologizing to him? You felt like a true dick now that you realize he was right all along. The walk was about ten minutes long, but you didn't care. You needed to see Keigo. You were so anxious to the point where you were walking faster.

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