Chapter 8 - Enter MarPhiIndo!

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Mary - Hmmm, should i use my dagger?

"It was now the day of the fight with Belarus, Mary was just laying down on the couch doing tricks with het daggers with ease"

Phil - Your already stronger then half of the countries without your dagger. I doubt you need too bring it
"Phil said while reading a book sitting near the table"

"Mary then thrown her dagger at the wall before turning her head to Phil"

Mary - But it would be cool! wont it?

Phil - Hm, "closses book" It would be cool

Mary - Hehe i thought so!

Phil - But! Make sure to end it before the staffs or a teacher comes

Mary - Fine fine... Hey why isnt there any noti off Philia or Martial now adays?

Phil - Hm, well since there at our world there probably busy with school and stuff

Mary - I guess so

Mary - Do you think i can use 𝙇𝙞𝙤𝙣-

Phil - NO! Mary! You cant do that!

Mary - Why not?!

"𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨!"

Phil - Tangina! Were gonna be late!

Mary - Shit!


"Phil opened the door too English class and saw Mr Britain, Except he looks very... cheerful?"

Britain - Oh my! You two are sure early today! Come and take a seat loves! And Goodmorning
"Britain said with a cheerful tone"

Mary - Morning too you to sir!

Phil - Good Morning too you to Sir Britain

"The Twins then went to there seat and started talking too each other in there own language"

Mary - Jeez! And here i thought the Teachers cant get any weirder! I would have prefered for an Town or City too be the teacher instead! Not some... weirdly cheerful Britian

Phil - What did you expect? Were in another world where everything is the opposite

Mary - Well- Holy crap! Is that a No Tea Sign?

Phil - What do you me- Oh.. what the-

Phil - Okay- Yup this universe is getting weirder and weirder

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Phil - Okay- Yup this universe is getting weirder and weirder

Mary - Yeah..


"At the cafeteria Mary and Phil were just eating in the corner minding there business before"

???? - Um hello?

Phil - Hm? Oh! Hello there what can i do for you two?

???? - Sorry for bothering but.. can i si-

Mary - Sit here? Sure go ahead we dont mind

"The Country let out a sigh of relief and sat down, upon closer look his flag awfully look a lot like"

Mary - Erm Poland? Or-

???? - Ahah no.. Im Indonesia a country from Asea
"Indo chuckled sadly"

Mary - Oof! I am so sorry-

Indo - Its fine..

Phil - So why exactly are you sitting with us? And not with your fellow Aseans

Indo - I kind off gotten kicked.. But! I-its fine! I promise this will be the last time i'll sit with you guys! I-i

Mary - What you talking about? You can sit here for as long as you want we dont mind! Its getting tiring sitting next to this Grumpy Country "HEY!" Of a brother
"Mary continued ecen though she got cut off by an Annoyed Filipino"

Indo - R-really!? You mean it?!
"Indo beamed"

Phil - Well.. Yeah we do! Also have you tried Pandesal? Its a famous bread in the Philippines! You should try it!

"And so, thats how our MC became friends with this Other Indonesia"

Phil - Oh i forgot to introduce myself! im the Countrymaster of the Philippines but call me Phil
"Phil stated with a closed eye smile"

Mary - Oh yeah im Martial by the way just call me Mary though
"Mary said before she continued too eat another Pandesal"


Phil - Mary! You already ate 5 Pandesal! Leave some for the rest of us!
"Phil said after he hit Mary in the head"

Mary - It aint my fault its so good!
"Mary said while holding her head"

Indo - Um...

Mary - Hm?

Indo - Is it true that you will.. Fight *Belarus?*
"Indo whispered the last part out"

Mary - Yeah later after school! Were like gonna fight and stuff

Indo - A-are you s-sure?? Shes really strong and you might end up in the hospital or or

"Phil then placed his hand on Indo shoulder and smiled"

Phil - Just believe in Mary okay, She might not look like it but shes really strong okay? She wasnt a general for nothing

Indo - Wait.. she really was a general from the army!? I t-thought that was fa-ake

Phil - Yeah she i- Hey! I told you tok leave some for us Mary!

Mary - Oh cmon!

"Indo laughed as the two twins bicker about the Bread and smiled"

*Indo - This friendship might actually work out... unlike with them..*


So! I picked Indo out couse i wanted the MarPhiIndo too Hapend here so yeah

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