𝟏𝟏: 𝐍𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡

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JUNE 2009

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JUNE 2009

After dropping Dom off down at his hideout. Valentina made her way up the street of her home. She pulled into the driveway and rolled her eyes when she saw the FBI car parked in front of her house.

Valentina stepped out of her car and made her way over to her house trying to ignore the officials that were stepping out of their own vehicle.

"Miss Valentina Ortiz." One of the officials said getting Valentina to stop. "I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI. Let's you and I have a little chat." He said as Valentina rolled her eyes.

She didn't say a word and instead got into their vehicle. She wasn't going to deal with their bullshit of threatening to revoke her freedom so she simply complied.

She got into their vehicle and they drove her down to the FBI headquarters. They didn't say a word to her until they put her into an interrogation room.

"Miss Ortiz, we are sorry for your recent loss." Stasiak said coming into the room as he stood across from where Valentina sat.

"Oh really?" Valentina said with a slight eye roll. "Why did you bring me here Stasiak?" She asked as she sat up in the seat.

"You're right." He said with a small nod. "Where is Dominic Toretto?" He asked getting Valentina to sigh.

"Wouldn't we all like to know." Valentina said getting Stasiak to shake his head.

"I know you know where he is. So please Miss Ortiz can you comply and tell us where Dominic Toretto is?" He said getting Valentina to fake a chuckle.

"Haven't I complied enough?" She said raising her tone. "You and your little minions invaded my sister's funeral. Y'all have my home surrounded, scaring my best friend. You send an Agent to my job every day, watching me like a watchdog. What else do y'all want from me?" Valentina said shaking her head.

"We need to know where Dominic Toretto is hiding." He said getting Valentina to lean back in her seat.

Valentina didn't say another word. Through the visible window she saw how the sun was coming up. Great, they kept her in all night and didn't even offer her some water or food. Stasiak was in and out trying to get Valentina to give up Dom's location but she simply denied knowing.

"Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer." A voice said getting Valentina to look away from the window.

"Great." Valentina said with an eye roll as she saw Brian make his way to where she sat.

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