𝟓𝟓: 𝐀 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Valentina walked out of the elevator with her chin held high. She saw a woman walking around with glasses of water with lemon in it. She took one in hand and walked over to the balcony where her sister was already overlooking the party.

"Well, you look beautiful." Letty told her sister without taking her eyes off of the party beneath them.

"The same I say for you." Valentina said as she took a sip of the water in hand keeping her eyes on the crowd.

"No, no, no. Listen, man. They're telling me they party like this every day. On this level, they party every day. This is crazy. I might have to move out here." Roman said into the free comms as Letty took a glass of champagne in hand.

"I think I'm gonna start a new culture. It's called Blarab. You know, like 'black Arab.'" Roman continued as Valentina tried to avoid a smile.

"How are we looking, Tej?" Dom asked as Valentina's eyes landed on Brian who had a glass of champagne in hand.

"We're almost in position." Tej said as Valentina took another sip of her water.

"Okay, so this is how it works. We got to move in sync if we're gonna pull this off. So, let's go over it to make sure everyone clearly understands their roles." Tej said as he and Ramsey took their position in the circuit room.

"Roman, that means you." Valentina said discreetly as she saw Dom walk over to stand near Brian.

"You know what, you're being real unprofessional right now, Val." Roman said getting Valentina to actually smile this time.

"The God's Eye chip is hidden in a speed drive installed in the prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room vault." Tej said as he continued to make his way around the circuit room.

"I make 8 to 10 plainclothes securities." Brian said as Valentina looked over to where the prince stood.

"Not to mention the prince and his personal bodyguards." Valentina said as she took notice of the armed girls in federal uniforms, as well as the woman standing behind the prince in a golden dress.

"Security cameras are clustered by the north wall. That's where the vault is." Brian said as Valentina turned her head to the doors on the north wall.

"We got to get in that vault, we got to tap into the security system, which can be accessed in the prince's bedroom." Tej said as both Valentina and Letty finished up their drinks.

"All right, guys, we're going in." Letty said as they handed their glasses to the server nearby.

Valentina took notice of how the woman standing behind the prince had brought her eyes up to the two.

They walked towards the hallway where the prince's bedroom was as Letty kept looking back to make sure they weren't being followed. As they turned the corner, they came upon one of the security guys standing at the door.

"Excuse us." Letty said as the man quickly brought his eyes onto them.

"The party is that way." He said as Valentina kept leading Letty towards him.

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