𝟔𝟑: 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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While taking care of his son, Brian received a call from Dom saying it was time to go for Valentina. He knew what was in stake and how he had to turn his back on those he had grown to call family. Yet it was the only way he could bring back his girls.

Brian quickly flew out to where Mia and Roger were. He left Jack in their care, as an oblivious Jack simply cheered about the fact, he'd have vacations with his Aunt Mia and Uncle Roger.

Currently, the team was in a mission called in by Hobbs. They needed to help him retrieve an EMP device from a military outpost in Berlin. Which so far was going okay.

"You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman." Letty said as they sped away from the scene.

"That was a diversion!" Roman quickly responded as he continued driving his car.

"How many of the damn explosives did you use?" Tej said from the car he was driving with Ramsey in the passenger seat.

"I don't know, Tej. All of it?" Roman said as they sped past the fallen debris.

"Wait, all of it?" Tej asked as he caught a glance over at Ramsey.

"Roman, Jesus Christ." Hobbs said from the car he was driving with the device inside.

"We got more of your fan club ahead." Letty said as she saw more cars coming towards them.

Brian quickly took a left turn leading the team away from the police. Yet the police didn't stay behind.

"They're still on us!" Tej said as he looked through his rear mirror.

"These guys are taking this personal." Roman said as the men started shooting at them.

"Roman, we just blew up their facility and stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get." Hobbs said as he pulled up beside Roman.

"Phase Two!" Dom said as he came up beside a really concentrated Brian who kept his eyes on the road.

"Phase Two? So, you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happened to Phase One? What about that part?" Roman quickly said getting Tej to roll his eyes.

"Yeah. Remember the airplane? Everyone drove their cars out but you?" Tej said getting Ramsey to chuckle shaking her head.

"I told you, my engine seized up." Roman said getting Letty to laugh shaking her head.

"It's your balls that seized up." Letty said getting a look at Roman's car behind her through her rear mirror.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Tej said as he pulled up beside Letty. "And, Roman, whatever you do, don't think." He said turning to Ramsey.

"Huh?" Roman said in pure confusion.

"Tej, drop it!" Brian said not taking his eyes off of the road.

"Bomb away." Tej mumbled before pressing a button in his car.

"Split, now!" Dom quickly said as the huge wrecking ball came towards them.

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