𝟔𝟏: 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

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After the events that they lived two years ago, the O'Conner's were still living in the Canary Islands. Elena who was a close friend to the family had decided to string along. The kids were getting bigger and smarter. Letty was now 6 years old; Elena's son and Jack were now 4 years old. The two boys were inseparable, which made it kind of hard to prevent Jack from telling his Uncle Dom about him.

The secret was still safe. Only Brian and Valentina knew of Elena's son. Jack had spoken to others about him, but his parents have simply referred to him as Jack's best friend. Which Dom and Letty didn't pay much attention to.

"Val!" Elena called out as she made her way towards the backyard with a small box in hand.

"In here!" Valentina called out from inside the small doll house located in their backyard.

"What's going on in there?" Elena asked as she saw Valentina struggle to get out of the little house.

"One second." She said getting Elena to laugh as she finally managed to get out. "Wow, that was a workout." Valentina said as she straightened her clothes.

"I had to clean the house out. It gets dirty from all the grass and stuff." Valentina said as she sighed catching her breath.

"I brought you a little something." Elena said as she extended the box out to her with a smile.

"What's the reason?" Valentina asked as she took the box in hand.

"No reason. Just wanted to get you a little something." Elena said as Valentina opened up the small box.

"Elena." Valentina said with a small smile as her eyes brightened up.

Inside was a necklace that had a small blue heart as the pendant. It was silver which would match perfectly with the other necklace already on her neck.

Valentina quickly pulled Elena in for a hug as a huge smile beamed on her face. The two pulled away and made their way over to the nearby patio set. They took a seat underneath the shade as the hot sun beamed down on them.

"Can you believe that we're finally free." Valentina said as she looked onto the house where her husband and kids were working on some lemonade.

"Would you say all the fighting was worth it?" Elena asked as she saw her friend looking over at her family.

"Definitely." Valentina said looking over at Elena. "Elena, I realized I never got a chance to say thank you." She said as Elena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You risked your life for my Letty when we took the mission to London." Valentina said as Elena landed in realization.

"I couldn't keep them from taking her. I wasn't strong enough." Elena said shaking her head slowly.

"But you still protected her. If you wouldn't have I don't think I'd have her right now." Valentina said as she looked over at Elena. "You put your life on the line for her. I'm thankful for that." She said before Brian and the kids could be heard making their way over.

"Incoming!" Brian called out as Elena's son and Jack ran over to the women with cups in hand, as Max their golden retriever followed closely behind.

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