𝟒𝟑: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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After what happened at the base the team headed back home. They were waiting on the official documentation from Hobbs. Other than that, they were free to go back home.

Brian and Valentina purchased the home beside the Toretto house. Dom, Letty, and Mia moved backed into their old home. Han and Gisele purchased a suite in one of the hotels downtown. They decided they wanted to head to Tokyo soon.

Roman and Tej. Well, they've been Roman and Tej. The two decided to get a shared apartment which was going good to their surprise. They would bicker every day but at the end of the day they couldn't live without each other.

"Mr. & Mrs. O'Conner." The Doctor said as she stepped into the room where Valentina sat on the bed.

"Doctor Allen." Valentina said with a smile as she sat up straight with Brian right beside her.

"How are we doing today?" Dr. Allen said as she closed the door behind her.

"We want to say great, but..." Brian said as he looked down at Valentina.

"I've been having some pain all throughout my lower abdomen." Valentina said as Dr. Allen nodded.

"Alright, let me take a look." She said before switching the lights off and moving over to the monitor.

Dr. Allen took a seat as Valentina laid back onto the medical bed. She brought her shirt up revealing her stomach that was not yet showing. The doctor placed the gel onto Valentina's stomach as Brian took Valentina's hand in his placing a supporting kiss on it. After a while Dr. Allen found something that caught her attention.

The sound of a faint heartbeat could be heard coming from the monitor. Small tears started building up within Valentina's eyes. This was the first time they were hearing their second child's heartbeat. Brian pressed another kiss onto Valentina's hand before sending her a smile.

"Everything is okay with the baby." Dr. Allen said with a smile as she looked over at Valentina. "The reason you're getting those pains is because your uterus is reacting to the baby growing inside of you." She said getting Brian to nod slowly.

"Since we had to operate on it a few years ago, and then you had a baby. I don't think it's quite prepared for another one. But with time and some rest you and the baby should be okay." She said getting Valentina to nod.

"Is there anything we can do for her pain?" Brian asked getting Dr. Allen to sigh and shake her head.

"Well, I can't offer any medication because that would put the baby at risk. All I can say sweetie is rest, rest, rest. No more fighting and jumping off of planes." Dr. Allen said as she handed Valentina a wipe to remove the gel from her stomach.

 Allen said as she handed Valentina a wipe to remove the gel from her stomach

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