𝟏𝟕: 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮

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JUNE 2009

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JUNE 2009

Valentina made her way out of the shower in her home. She dried up her hair before walking over to her vanity taking hold of her brush. She ran it through her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror.

This whole situation had taken a huge toll on her. If she had to say, this was the hardest thing she had ever had to go through. She reached over and took a hold of her necklaces, clipping them onto her neck.

A soft knock got her to turn over to her door.

"Come in." She said and soon the door opened up revealing Brian.

"How are you doing?" Brian asked as he came into the room.

"I'm doing okay." Valentina said as she got up from her small seat and made her way over to her closet.

Brian made his way over to her taking a hold of her waist. He turned her around to face him and cupped her face.

"Are you sure you're okay. I know all of this hasn't been easy." Brian said getting Valentina to sigh.

"I'll be okay. Once all of this is over and Braga is gone for good, I'll be okay." Valentina said before Brian pulled her in for a hug.

Valentina molded herself in his hold as he inhaled the smell of his cologne mixed with that of burnt rubber. It took her back to five years ago when she had him that close to her for the first time.

Brian pulled away and had Valentina look up at him. With the lamp near her bed being the only thing illuminating the room Valentina looked up at his blue eyes.

She felt herself being consumed by them. She focused on his eyes that displayed similar to the ocean with small specks of green within. When people would ask her what was her favorite color she would always simply say blue. But now she knew that the color of his eyes were her favorite shade of blue.

Valentina got on her tiptoes and softly placed her lips on his. She felt his hands roam down to her waist as hers moved over to cup his face. She kissed him and he kissed her back as his hands roamed over her black silk robe.

Brian slowly started leading them towards her bed. Valentina pushed him down to sit on the bed as she broke the kiss apart. She placed herself on top of him as Brian simply placed his hands on her back. Valentina once again brought her lips down to his and Brian kissed her back.

He slowly started tracing his hands once again all over her back with the robe between her skin and his hands. Valentina pulled away softly as she looked down at Brian.

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