High- Minsung fluff

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Han Jisung was a little pissed at his current situation. His mother had just began dating again a few months ago, giving him not only a new father figure but a new boy in his life. His status was "Moms boyfriends son" but that was too long. Lee Minho wasn't mean. He was worse. He was rich. Rich and snooty.

'Honey..? Jisung, get dressed, Mr Lee's invited us for dinner!' Mrs Han walked into Jisung's room. She pressed her lips against his forehead. 'Hey mom..' mrs Han stopped, turning around, causing her dangly earrings to clash together. 'Do I have to come?'

Jisung crossed his legs and arms sourly. His mothers pale, slim hand pressed firmly into his leg. 'Behave,' he removes her hand, adjusting her black beret. Jisung scoffed, blowing his hair from his face, going back to staring out the car window. He didn't recognize this part of the city. It was so posh and smart, making him feel even more like an outsider than he felt with his own new family.

Mr Lee's well-dressed driver pulled into a fancy restaurant parking lot. The title was in French for gods sake.

A waiter welcomed them in and seated them at the same table where Mr Lee, and Minho were already sitting. 'Hello, darling.' Mr Lee says in his cool, soothing voice. He kisses Jisung's mothers hand. 'Hey.' Minho spits, sounding very much forced. 'Hey.' Jisung's replied stiffly. Although Minho was kind of an asshole Jisung couldn't deny that he was handsome. His profile looks like it was carved by a Greek god and his lips looked impossibly soft.

The seven courses didn't fill Jisung at all. All consisting of like half a calorie of 4 million dollar food put fancily on a plate. His stomach was growling like hell and his coughs and throat-clears were too awkward to continue. '-Jisung, sweetheart are you okay?' His mother asks, her eyes wide with threat. 'Yeah, I just need the bathroom,' he stumbles off his seat and walking away. Jisung pressed his head back on the closed door, sighing out in relief. He stayed for a few minutes, scrolling on his phone. A knock sounded on the door. He panicked as he quickly fake-flushed and unlocked the door. He was pocketing his phone when his head bumped into an obstacle. 'Took you long enough,' Minho rolls his eyes, pushing Jisung's head away from his chest. Jisung gnawed on his upper lip, turning fiercely red. 'S-sor-' before he could even apologize, Minho's strong hand pulled him away. 'Where are you taking me, Minho- Let go!' Minhos cold, velvety brown eyes made contact with Jisung's. 'Follow me.'

Why am I here? Why did he bring me here? Jisung asked himself. Minho had brought him outside, into a bright, lavish building complex. They went all the way up. Floor 24. He struts outside the elevator, walking swiftly towards room 143 (I will never stop doing that in every piece of writing. FUCKING SUE ME) he scans the keycard, a light flashing green. 'Get in.' Jisung didn't know why he obeyed. In fact, his whole body was yelling at him to get back into the restaurant. Jisung watched as Minho closes the door behind them, the light turning red. 'Why'd you bring me up here?' Jisung asks, shakily, his hands in his pocket. Minho didn't even turn around as he replies. 'Jisung. I know we aren't the fondest of each other but I could obviously see how uncomfortable you were.' He sighs out coldly. 'So? Why do you care? Not like you've ever been nice to me.' Minho whips around. His eyes widening and his lip trembling. That stung. 'Well, I'm sorry,' his voice withered like Jisung had never heard. ' Sorry, I cared enough to bring you. Don't you understand how hard this is on me too?' Minhos voice starts to crack, a tear welling in his eyes. 'I barely get to see my dad then you come into my life. The little time I had with him is just with you and your mom. Do you get that I'm trying my hardest not to hate you? I know it's not your fault. And I do care. I swear I do. I care about you.' Jisung didn't know what to say. He was frozen to the spot as Minho wiped at his eyes. But it was too late, tears were spilling down his face. Jisung had never seen Minho cry before. Or show any emotion really.

Jisung held Minho as he cried. 'I'm sorry, i was too caught up with my own life,' he strokes Minho's teary cheeks. 'I'm sorry, Minho, I'm so sorry,' Minho was sniffling, trying to calm down. 'Let's get some air, okay?' Minho nods. Jisung brings him onto the balcony, hand in hand. The door closes behind them, a red flashing light caught Jisung's attention. 'Shit, Minho it's locked.' He gasped. 'Our parents will be up once they finish dinner, it's okay, Sung,' Jisung's cheeks grew a little hot at the nickname. 'You call that dinner?! It was barely one proper meal all together,' He scoffs. Minho shrugs, smiling. 'I do prefer burgers but oh well, being rich is a lifestyle.' Jisung laughed, making Minho laugh too in return. The way his lips parted when he laughed and the small "ah" he made after was music to Jisung's ears. 'You have a cute laugh you know?' He blurted. 'Your smile is adorable, you know squirrel?' Minho returned the compliment. "Squirrel?!" I'm no squirrel, Minho,'

Minho laughed a little harder. "Yes you are!! The way your cheeks are all fluffy and full, and look you're doing the thing,' Jisung was pouting dramatically, looking up at Minho though his lashes. The two just stand here, in a perfectly still world. Just the two of them. A drop of cold wetness seeps into Minho's shoulder. A soft sound of pattering raindrops turned into a pouring shower within seconds. They rushed to the railing; the only sheltered area. Jisung catches a glimpse of Minho's eyes. They looked fearful and worried, just before they shut tightly. 'Are you okay?' jisung asks, talking Minho's trembling hands in his own. 'No. I'm not. I'm deathly afraid of heights, Jisung and we're on the edge of the balcony, of course I'm not okay,' he struggles to say, his eyes still shut. 'Hey, look at me,' Jisung cups Minho's small face in his hands. 'Don't look down there, just look at me,' he spins him around, away from the ledge. The sound of the falling rain softened and faded out into the background yet it was still pouring. Minhos eyes melted into Jisung's gorgeous features. 'Pretend I'm something you admire,' Jisung's says softly.


Minho's arms found themselves wrapped comfortably around Jisung's thin waist. The younger boy pulled them closer. 'I wouldn't mind you being a part of my life,' Jisung let's go. 'Me neither.. though it's weird that we'll be stepbrothers if our parents remarry..' Minho sighs, brushing a strand of hair from Jisung's glittering eyes. 'We'll cross that bridge when we get there, Minho,' Jisung's intertwines their hands, slipping back into Minho's embrace.

That bridge wasn't crossed. Of course Mr Lee wasn't a bad man. He was just a busy one. His and mrs Hans weekly dates and dinners turned fortnightly, then monthly. Unbeknownst to both their parents, Minho and Jisung were still seeing each other regularly. Cafe's, arcades, movie theaters, parks, fancy restaurants. Jisung loved how well the dots fit into place, connecting Minho to him. The two boys had final exams the next few weeks, and were finally seeing each other again. Minho had phoned Jisung and told him to suit up and that he would pick him up from their favorite cafe.

'Hey, you,' Jisung hears from behind him. 'Hey, Min!!' A smile paints his lips. Minho was dressed in a crisp, black suit. He outstretched his arm. 'Cmon, Angel,' He flashes a dazzling, pearly smile. Jisung's cheeks turned a warm pink as he accepted Minho's hand. They walk off together, Jisung's head on Minho's shoulder and Minhos free arm around Jisung's waist. 

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