Dirty little secrets- (Minsung fluff/smut) pt 1

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The bell rings. Minho grunts out loudly, banging his head down onto his desk. His senior year of high school was living hell. He was incredibly fatigued and just wanted everything to be over so he could live his life. It was hard to say this without sounding full of himself but Minho knew he was good looking and he had sharp dance skills that could earn him a pretty penny these days. It's not like he wasn't well off, he was in upper middle class being in a posh private school and a generous home. 'Heyyyy!!' A familiar voice calls from a few feet away making Minho look up.

'Hello Jisung.' Minho yawns, sitting up. 'You look a bit tired, did you sleep?' Jisung asks, his British accent peeking through making Minho smile. 'Fuck no, how was I supposed to sleep with 28 missing assignments?' (Totally couldn't be me yall stay safe tho) Jisung rolls his eyes, hopping off the desk he was sitting on and swinging his bag over his shoulder. 'Let's just go home, you can have a nap at my place.'

Jisung tugs at the older boys arm, waking him up and dragging him off the bus. 'Sleep well?' He jokes sarcastically. 'Yep!' Minho pops the "p". 'Just peachy' the two make their way inside, Jisung's running towards his mother and Minho following shyly behind. 'MOMMMMMM,' Jisung sighs loudly as he hugs her tight. Mrs Han was a gorgeous woman with sharp yet elegant features that still appear radiantly beautiful even in her late forties. 'Hello Mrs Han,' Minho blushes, bowing politely. 'Oh, come here Minho, you're basically my son!' She pulls Minho into a hug, pecking his forehead making him a little shy. 'Be good!' She yells behind them as they topple upstairs. 'So,' Jisung's flops onto his bed. 'I have some of your pajamas that you left here at my last party, you can wear those,' Minho nods, tiredly walking towards Jisung's extensive walk in closet. There must have been hundreds of clothes in there from tops to jewelry to shoes and skirts, jisung had it all. Minho knew exactly where to look, soon pulling out one of his pajama sets.

The two just lay lazily on Jisung's also large bed that came in handy a lot. 'Hah, look, this is like you.' Minho giggles, tilting his phone so Jisung could see the video. He also laughs a little, putting his phone down and turning to face Minho. Jisung's hand goes to Minho's phone, pushing it down onto the mattress. The older then redirected his full attention to Jisung. 'Sleep. You need to study tonight.' Minho groans, stuffing his face into a pillow. 'I hate how much you care,' he pouts. 'Too bad because I do, so sleep now.' Jisung uses his hand to cover Minho's eyes. Momentarily, the exhausted boy slipped to sleep.

Jisung plugged in his headphones, playing some music while trying to fall asleep as well.

He hadn't felt himself falling asleep but Jisung was now awake by the sound of him mother calling him. 'Jisung, sweetie?' She pats his shoulder. 'Mhnghh,' he groans, wanting to go back to sleep. He rolls over see Minho laying beside him, peacefully asleep making his heart swell. 'He's gorgeous,' 'hm?' His mother asks, not hearing his whisper. 'Nothing, now why did you wake me up?' Jisung asks. 'Your father just called me and he says he's inviting us for dinner.' Jisung perks up. 'Dad?!' He immediately scrambles up and flings himself into his bathroom, staring to wash his face. 'Alright then.' His mother chuckles. 'Minho, darling, wake up,' she rubs Minhos head gently, waking him up.

'Is this good?' Minho had put together a cutesy outfit to match the vintage diner they were having dinner at. Jisung made a few crashing noises from inside the closet. 'OKAY I THINK THIS IS GOOD!' He pulls the door open. Minhos eyes run from Jisung's hair to his fluffy cloud sweater and... 'What. What? Minho WHAT?!' But Minhos jaw was on the floor beside him. 'Where have you been hiding this outfit?' He asks, breathlessly. 'I saved it for a special occasion. And even better that you're here so you can enjoy it,' jisung sent a wink Minhos way, took his hand and dashing downstairs, his pink skirt fluttering behind him.

Minho followed Jisung who was skipping towards his mother that was now unlocking the door. As soon as the man's large figure came into view, a gasp escapes Jisung's lips. He instantly begins to run, jumping up into his fathers embrace. 'DADDDD! I MISSED YOU. SO. MUCH!!' Minho wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because as he jumped up his skirt blew up a little revealing a Lacey pink hem.

Mr and mrs han sat in the front and the two boys hopped in the back. Jisung's hand led the olders hand into his lap. Minho coughs, suppressing a few feelings. "Control yourself it's just a skirt." He says in his head, shaking them away. 'Min..?' Jisung lays his head on Minho's shoulder looking up through his lashes with stars in his eyes. 'Minnie, can I lay down on your lap? I'm still kinda sleepy,' Minho nods, gently bringing the boys head down. He brushes a few strands from the youngers face, making Jisung all shy. Instead, the older starts weaving this fingers through his hair, lulling him asleep.

Jisung's eyes started to flutter open as a skidding sounds below him. The car stopped. 'Cmon, we're here,' Minho whispers, fixing Jisung's ruffled hair. The boys sit up, jumping out of the car and towards the building. Mrs and Mr han were being all lovey doves, missing each other because of Jisung's father's demanding job. Minho glanced over, seeing how Mr han wrapped his hands around his wife's waist, pulling her close. 'Jisung,' he speaks. 'Hm?' The boy turns his head. 'I just missed hearing your name from my lips.' Jisung rolled his neck away, shy. 'Your name is so pretty.' Minho pulls on Jisung's arm, stopping him. "Han Jisung" He whispers. 'So pretty just like you. Han. "Han" because you're my only "one", jisung was red at this point, shying away from Minho's gaze. 'Stopp,' he whines. 'Boys!!' Mrs han calls them.

Jisung and his mother, Mr han and Minho all sit facing one another. Jisung shuffles closer to Minho, burying his head in his shoulder. 'Still sleepy?' Jisung nods which his eyes already closed. A waiter greets them and takes all their orders then runs into the kitchen. 'Mr Han, how's work?' Minho asks, politely tipping his head. 'Ah, Minho my boy,' Mr han sighs with a loving smile. 'I'm bearing it,' he shakes his head but Mrs han places her hands in his. 'Jisung, honey, didn't you sleep last night?' His mother asks, gently. 'Mmnh' is all Jisung could manage. Minho lets a laugh out. A few minutes later, the waiter comes back with their plates.

'Wake up, babe,' Minho breaths into Jisung's ear, just loud enough for him to hear. 'Good morning,' Mr han chuckles as Jisung sits up, his hair a mess. 'Let me get that for you, hun,' Minho smirks lightly, patting Jisung's hair down and behind his ears. 'Where'd you get those earrings, Sweetie?' Jisung's father asks, pointing to the daisy studs on Jisung's ears. 'Minho bought them for me, actually!' Jisung grins widely, showing off his heart shaped smile. 'What a gentleman you are Minho.' Mrs han comments, winking at him. Minho gets the signal. He instantly furrows his brows and lips, shaking his head at her. 'No way,' he mouths to her, covering his mouth.

After eating, Mr han ordered them all ice cream on him. 'Please let me pay for mine at least?' Minho hesitates to take the scoop from the waiter. 'No, Son, please eat,' Mr han insist. Minho shakes his head, 'I'll pay, please I can't accept.' 'Let me help you out there min,' Jisung takes a wide scoop onto his spoon, taking hold of Minho's jaw. 'Say ahh,' he giggles, slipping the cold, sugary treat into Minhos mouth. The older boy glares at Jisung, soon breaking in a smile to seeing how happy he looked. He guides his eyes down.. remembering. Jisung's thin, milky legs were crossed under the table, his skirt hitched up a little from the position. Hesitating, Minho drops his hand into the youngers lap. Obediently, Jisung uncrosses his legs. The olders hands automatically dug deeper, resting on the sensitive skin on the inside of Jisung's thigh. Minhos fingers were trailing riskily up and down the warm skin. A shaky breath escapes the youngers lips, muffling his sounds into a napkin. 

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