His black top- SeungChanJin??? (Idk)

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Stray Kids. You heard of them? You may have and you may have not. Though one thing everyone should know is how hard they work. The eight boys were almost finished shooting for Venom, just touching up some filler clips and re doing things the directors weren't satisfied with. The sun had set a few hours ago. It was nine maybe? Who cares not like they could sleep anyway with all that excitement of their comeback. The members were all just happily (but very tiredly) chattering amongst themselves while the the staff got ready for their last take.

"THREE, TWO, ONE, ANNNNNDDDDDD, ACTION!' The director yells behind the cameras. 'I got you wrapped up, around my fingers..' Chan hums to himself while he watches Seungmin recite the lines himself. 'AND, SCENE, PERFECT.' the director wishes everyone a good night and instructing the staff to pack up. 'You did great, sweetie,' Chan runs up to Seungmin that was already half asleep backstage where he managed to stumble to. 'Mngh, *yawn* fankz,' he sputters, leaning on his shoulder and falling back asleep. Chan smiles to himself, making his way back to the other members. They were all laughing weakly, packing up their belongings, ready to get back to the dorms.

Once all eight members were in the minivan, the staff drove off. Finally at he dorms, Jeongin, Hyunjin, Felix, Changbin and Minho fell right asleep. Chan was at his desk after he showered, working on a few unit tracks on his laptop. He soon noticed that all the lights were off except one.. seungmins room. He tiptoes over, finding the boy sprawled on his bed. 'Minnie? You awake, sweets?' He brushes seungmins bangs from his face. 'Hmn,' he mumbles, almost asleep. 'Why didn't you take your clothes off, that doesn't look comfortable, hun,' Chan starts to unbutton the boys black blazer. 'M'so tired,' seungmin yawns, rolling onto a pillow. 'Hey, lye, still.' The older whispers. Seungmin feels a weight lift off his chest. The body chain on his torso was lighter than a pillow but boy did it feel good to have it off.

'You're gorgeous, you know that?' The older whispers, back from his room where he picked out a shirt for the younger to wear. 'You should really show it off more often,' he traces circles into the youngers pale torso. A feint smirk paints his lips as he dives back into his room.

He looks down at his hands, satisfied with his idea. He gently slips the sleeping boy into one of his black cropped shirts. 'He'll be in for a surprise tomorrow morning,' Chan giggles breathily. He then leaves a few butterfly kisses on his cheeks. Chan walks out after tucking the boy in, and switching the lights off.

A ray of light shines into seungmins eyes. He batts his lashes, blinking himself awake. He groans, rolling over into a pillow.

After a few minutes of rolling round in his sheets, the boy gets up sloppily and walks into the bathroom. He opens the door and the handle creaks as he steps in. The window was open, wafting a gentle breeze around him, blowing his dark, silky hair into his eyes. He splashes some icy water onto his puffy face.

Once he finished his skincare routine, he skipped downstairs with his hair bouncing up like an excited puppy. The rest of the members were all sitting in the living room in front of a random medical drama while on their phones. 'Hey.' He yawns, flopping his weight onto Hyunjin who welcomed him in his lap. 'Wow, Seungmo. Looking good!!' Minho sneers from behind. 'Huh?' Seungmin furrowed his brows. 'Shh, let this be,' Changbin tutts. 'You all are insane,' seungmin rolls his eyes, sitting properly.

After around an hour of just lounging around, Jeongin recommend a horror movie that he watched with his older brother. The members agree, huddling up on the couch. Jisung got up to get popcorn and turn the lights off and Chan got out his good speakers.

The movie was brilliant. The plot was creepingly thrilling, making goosebumps raise all over Seungmins body. He started getting jumpy and all the members were dead silent. Out of nowhere, a jumps scare startles them all, especially Jisung who screamed dramatically even when it was over. 'JISUNG SHUT UP!!' all the members shouted in unison.

Not long after, another Jump scare burst from the screen, making Seungmin jump in Hyunjins lap. He was instantly caught off guard when hyunjins arms wrapped around his bare torso. Though he was wearing a shirt. He then connected the dots with a gasp. 'BITCH!' He swings his head towards Chan who looked very confused. Seungmin sat on his knees, shy and red, covering up with exposed waist. 'Took ya long enough, hyung,' Jeongin giggles.

He eventually sits back down, letting hyunjin get comfortable with his hands around his hips. It was actually really nice. Maybe I should wear croptops more often.. he thinks to himself.

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