flowerpot (hyunin 🤭) part 1

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hyunjin was on the verge of tears. his day couldn't get any worse. his favorite cafe (that had been temporarily closed for two months) just opened up again. their americanos were perfect, not too sweet, not too bitter, not too cold, just enough in each serving size. then he tripped. and fell. 

he slumped as he walked down the street with his coffee-less hands in his pocket. 

'hello! how can i help you?' a sweet voice chimed as hyunjin walked into a corner shop. 'i'm looking for something to cheer me up. maybe chocolate?' he ran a finger through the snickers bars, picking one up and slamming it on the the counter. 'can do. anything else?' the boy rung the chocolate up and put it in a plastic bag. hyunjin shook his head, tapping his card and turning away. 'thank you..!' he tried to sound positive. 

'hey, come back!' the boy called after him. hyunjin turned back around, squinting to read the workers name tag. 


'yeah!' the boys dimpled smile spread across his face. 'here, you look like you need this.' 

jeongin clattered from behind the cashier, coming a few feet towards where hyunjin was standing. 

hyunjin smiled at the single rose in his hand. 'thank you so much! that just made my day!' jeongin smiled at the comment, waving hyunjin off. 

hyunjin was now walking back down the street, much happier now, flower in hand, closing his eyes and smelling the light floral scent every now and again. 'thank you jeongin, whoever you are.' 

'FUCKFACE! IM HOME!' hyunjin shouted, shuffling his shoes off at his front door. 'hey loser, how was your day?' han jisung replied, sitting cross legged on the floor, across from a bowl of cereal. 'good. well, bad, but then good.' 

jisung paused his youtube video, looking up at his room mate.  'ooouuuu la laaaa what's that?' he shot up, grabbing the plastic wrapped rose from hyunjins hands. 'nothing! some cutie gave it to me, i don't even know him. that's all!' 

'WAKE. UP!!!!' jisung has been waking his roommate up for twelve minutes. 'BITCH, I HAVE WORK! IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP IM LEAVING YOU!' He grabbed the end of hyunjins duvet, yanking it off the boys body, leaving him cold. 'fuck you.' hyunjin grumbled sadly, finally sitting up.

'good morning,' some old lady welcomed while hyunjin walked down the same street as he always did. but today, his chest was tight with hope. 'na na na na na na na psychoooo~ psychooooo~' he hummed along to the music in his headphones, breathing in the cool, spring air. 

Yang Convenience mini mart 

he read the sign that hung over the neon lights on the window of the store mr.cutie (jeongin) worked at. hyunjin held a breath as he walked in. 

'hello?' he chimed hopefully, awkwardly stepping inside, closing the door behind him. no one was at the register. 'hello!?' he said again, this time louder as he walked through the back of the store, peeking into a room with a "STAFF ONLY." sign bolted to it. 'one second! i'll be right with you!' 

hyunjin smiled, and released his breath. 'Jeongin!?' he sounded a little too happy. before he got a reply, the door swung open and jeongins dark, curly hair peeked from inside. 'oh! hey! you're that hot, sad guy from yesterday!' hyunjin blushed in embarrassment. 'i wouldn't say hot..' shut up hyunjin, yes. yes you would call yourself hot you moron. 'but thanks for the compliment!' he made a gesture to jeongins stylish jacket and pants, stopping at the boy's chunky sneakers. 'you're not too bad yourself! that's not  why i'm back though, i wanted to thank you for yesterday. that flower really made my day.' he said genuinely, tilting his head. he watched as jeongins eyes turned into crescent moons when a smile stretched on his dimpled face. 'awe! really? i've seen people throw my flowers out before they walk out...' 

'i actually kept it. i suck at keeping plants alive.. only god knows how i kept my dog alive this long... but anyway! do you have any advice on.. gardening..?' that made jeongin smile again. 'just put it in a glass of water and it should be fine.' 

they stood awkwardly for a second before hyunjin realized that it was stupid that he was here. 'sorry. i shouldn't have come all the way here, sorry for wasting your time. it was nice to meet you. i might be back sometime. bye jeongin-' hyunjin smiled tightly, turning to leave. 'hey! please don't go!' jeongin called after him. 'i enjoy your company, i barely see anyone on the job.' jeongin the checked his phone in his pocket. 'i go on my lunch break in a minute, do you wanna grab  coffee and a bite down the street?' hyunjin stared at him blankly before nodding. 'yeah sure.. that actually sounds nice. you sound like such a sweet person jeongin.' hyunjin took a seat on one of the chairs in front of the pile of cardboard boxes as jeongin restocked a variety of confectionery. 

'did you.. need some help there?' hyunjin said with alarm and jeongin came out from the back with multiple boxes of canned drinks that looked really heavy. jeongin looked at him with a 'what are you talking about' look. 'no thanks, they're not that heavy.' he then proceeded to lift them off his chest with no problem, setting them onto a nearby shelf. 'you're really strong. my arms hurt just seeing you do that!' hyunjin exclaimed in awe.

'all done! boss is coming for his shift now, we can go when he arrives.'

hyunjin nods, putting his phone down. 'why are you so friendly? i mean why do you give people flowers and why did you offer to buy coffee together so easily? you're so nice in a world of shitty people.' 

'i guess..' jeongin took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed the back of his neck. 'it gets lonely. my brother died recently and he was like that. nice to everyone he knew, and even nicer to those he didn't.i feel less empty when i see people happy.'

hyunjins heart sunk, 'oh man, i'm so sorry for your loss. i'm sure he was wonderful to be around. you are too.' just as he finished speaking, the bell above the door sounded and a boy in denim overalls and a beige shirt walked in. his eyes were wide and dark, almost like a cats, and he had this innocent look to him. 'is this "boss"?' hyunjin asked at jeongin who was smiling at the boy. 'no, that's my brother, i don't know why he's here not my uncle but' he shrugged and went to open the door. 'hey Wonnie! how are you!' jeongin hugged his brother. 'good! how're you?' 

jeongin replied 'also good. remember that cutie that i told you about yesterday? he came back!' he stepped aside to show his brother who he was talking about. hyunjin almost pissed his pants from embarrassment. 'this is my brother, jungwon! jungwon, this is cutie' 

'hi! my brother did not shut up about how cute you were yesterday. like i actually got mad at him, he never shuts up. anyway, it's nice to meet you!' the boy smiled, outstretching his arm. hyunjin took his hand and shook it, observing how the boys eyes disappeared into crescent moons when he smiled. 'i see the relation,' hyunjin laughed. 

'Uncle Boss sent me, he's not feeling well.' 

'oh okay, then tell him the computer is laggy as fuck and needs to be replaced.' jeongin scoffed 'cmon, let's go!' he smiled at hyunjin who waved Jungwon bye and ran off after him. 

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