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Name: Esmeralda

Meaning: Emerald

Personality: Righteous, kindhearted, respectful, outspoken, accepting, passionate, stubborn, charitable, selfless, wise, resourceful, clever, helpful, flirtatious, alluring, sassy, elusive, motherly, protective, unswerving, compassionate, loving, free-spirited, spiritual, humble


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Name: Vali (Esmeralda's elder brother)

It was derived from: Valeriu/Valerius: Roman family name derived from Latin- valere "to be strong". This was the name of several early saints.

Personality Traits:

Positive: Empathetic, kind, intelligent, resilient, Warm, friendly, honest, loyal, trustworthy, talented, patient, Attentive, and Patient

Negative: Reckless, Cocky, and frivolous


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Name: Quasimodo Frollo

Meaning: half made

Personality: imaginative, kind, and deeply insecure. For all his loyalty and bravery, Quasimodo has never had much faith in himself.

 For all his loyalty and bravery, Quasimodo has never had much faith in himself

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