The Escape

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Quasimodo: "You helped me. Now I will help you two."

Esmeralda: "But there's no way out. There's soldiers at every door."

Y/n: "You don't think we just walk out of the front door, do you?"

Esmeralda: "Y/n! Vali!"

Vali: "Esmeralda."

Y/n: "Hello~"

Quasimodo: "Where were you two?"

Y/n: "It's n-not..."

Vali: "We were looking at her drawings, they're amazing"

Quasimodo: "We won't use a door."

Esmeralda: "You mean...climb down?"

Quasimodo: "Sure. You carry him (motions to Djali), I carry you."

Esmeralda: "Okay. Come on Djali. What about Vali?"

Y/n: "I've got him."

Djali hops into Esmeraldas' arms.

Quasimodo: "Ready?"

Esmeralda: "Yes."

Quasimodo: "Don't be afraid."

Esmeralda: "I'm not afraid."

Quasi leaps over the edge and holds on to a gargoyle head.

Esmeralda: "Now I'm afraid."

Quasimodo: "The trick is not to look down."

Quasi begins swinging down the exterior of the cathedral.

Esmeralda: "You've done this before?"

Quasimodo: "No."

Quasi finally stops on a slanted roof.

Esmeralda: "Wow. You're quite an acrobat."

Quasimodo: "Thank you--"

His words are cut short as the tile they're on breaks free and they begin to slide down the roof as if they were on a sled. They're able to jump off their sled just before it goes sailing off into the air. It lands a few blocks away. The guards on the ground hear the crash and go off to investigate.

Guard 4: "Check the alley!"

Guard 5: "This way!"

As guards pass, Quasi, Esmeralda and Djali hide as part of a statue. When the coast is clear, they speak again.

Quasimodo: "I hope I didn't scare you."

Esmeralda: "Not for an instant."

Djali groans as his heart is only just now beginning to beat again.

~With Vali~

Vali: "Where are we going?"

Y/n: "Ever scale the side of a church before?"

Vali: "Is that a trick question?" 


Quasimodo: "I'll never forget you, Esmeralda."

Vali and Y/n: "Hey."

Esmeralda: "Come with us."

Quasimodo: "What?!?"

Esmeralda: "To The Court Of Miracles. Leave this place."

Quasimodo: "Oh, no. I'm never going back out there again. You saw what happened to me today. No. This is where I belong."

Esmeralda: "All right, then I'll come to see you."

Quasimodo: "What? Here? But, the soldiers, and Frollo, and..."

Esmeralda: "I'll come after sunset."

Quasimodo: "At sunset, I ring the evening mass, and after that, I clean the kooisters, and then I ring the vespers, and--"

Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a little peck on the cheek.

Quasimodo: "--Whatever's good for you."

Esmeralda pulls a talisman off her neck and hands it to Quasi.

Esmeralda: "If you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way."

Quasimodo: "But how?"

Esmeralda: "Just remember: When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand."

Vali: "This extends to you as well, Y/n."

Y/n: "How interesting, this is a map, correct?"

Vali: "Yes."

Djali bleats as the guards are returning.

Quasimodo: "Hurry! You must go!"

Esmeralda and Vali swing down a rope to the ground and runs off into the dark. Quasimodo climbs back up to his tower. As soon as he reaches the ledge, Phoebus appears.

Phoebus: "Hi there. I'm looking for a gypsy girl and boy. Have you seen them?"

Y/n: "Woman and man."

Phobeus: "Right."

Quasimodo gets very angry at the sight of a guard. He takes a swing.

Phoebus: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy!"

Quasimodo: "No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!"

Phoebus: "Wait! All I wanted was to--"

Quasimodo: "Go!"

Phoebus: "I mean her no harm!"

Quasimodo: "Go!"

Quasi grabs a torch and begins swinging it at Phoebus. Phoebus backs off, but Quasi continues to swing. Backed down the stairs, Phoebus finally draws his sword and swings, pinning the torch against the wall. Quasimodo has grabbed Phoebus by the chest.)

Phoebus: "You tell them from me, I didn't mean to trap them here, but it was the only way to save thier life. Will you tell her that? (No response.) Will you?"

Quasimodo: "If you go. Now!"

Phoebus: "I'll go. Now, will you put me down, please?"

We cut to a longer shot to reveal that Quasi has been holding Phoebus several feet off the floor. Quasi sets Phoebus down. Phoebus starts to leave, then turns to say something.

Phoebus: "Oh. And one more thing. Tell Esmeralda and Vali they're very lucky."

Quasimodo: "Why?"

Phoebus: "To have a friend like you."

Phoebus leaves.

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