Phoebus's Return

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Dissolve down to street level, where, in the midst of all the activity, walks Phoebus, and his horse, Achilles. Phoebus is consulting a map. 

Phoebus: "Huh, ya leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything."

He looks and sees a pair of guards walking by. 

Phoebus: "Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm looking for the Palace of Justice. Would you-- (they completely ignore him)-- hmmm, I guess not." 

Meanwhile, in a corner, Esmeralda and Djali are dancing for change. A male, named Vali is playing the tambourine. A woman and her child walk by, but the woman steers her child away. 

Woman: "Stay away, child--they're gypsies. They'll steal us blind." 

Phoebus, entranced by Esmeralda's dancing, drops a few coins into the hat on the ground. Soon, a boy on top of the wall whistles. Everything comes to a halt, and all scramble for cover. As Djali grabs the hat, coins fly everywhere. He runs, and Esmeralda and Vali run out to grab the money. As they're gathering the change, the guards arrive. 

Guard 1: "All right, gypsies, where'd ya get the money?" 

Esmeralda: "For your information, we earned it." 

Guard 1: "Gypsies don't earn money." 

Guard 2: "You steal it?" 

Vali: "You'd know a lot about stealing!"

Guard 1: "Troublemaker!" 

Guard 2: "Maybe a day in the stocks will cool you down." 

Vali fights them and they eventually escape. As the guards begin to chase, Phoebus blocks them with Achilles, and they fall to the ground. Guard 1 falls into a dirty puddle and is in the right spot, and... 

Phoebus: "Achilles! Sit!" 

Achilles does as he is told, and sits on top of Guard 1. 

Guard 1: "Woah!" 

Phoebus: "Oh, dear, I'm sorry. Naughty horse, naughty! He's just impossible! Really, I can't take him anywhere." 

Guard 1: "Get this thing off me!" 

Guard 2: (approaching Phoebus) "I'll teach you a lesson, peasant!" 

He whips out a small dagger, to which Phoebus pulls out his shining sword. 

Phoebus: "You were saying...Lieutenant?"

Guard 2 realizes who it is. 

Guard 2: "Oh, Captain! (accidentally hits himself) Ow! At your service, sir!" 

Phoebus sheathes his sword, then bends down to Guard 1. 

Phoebus: "I know you have a lot on your mind right now, but...the Palace of Justice?" 

Cut to the guards making a path for Captain Phoebus. As he walks, he sees some coins on the ground. He picks them up and drops them in the hat of an old man sitting on the street. After he passes, the "old man" pulls his hood down to reveal Djali sitting on Esmeralda's head. She looks at him curiously. Phoebus is trying to move through the crowd, but Achilles is refusing to come along. 

Phoebus: "Come on, boy. Achilles! Heel!" 

We zoom into the Palace of Justice, and end up in the dungeon, where a guard in the next room is whipping a prisoner, as Frollo listens. Phoebus enters. 

Frollo: "Stop!" 

Guard: "Sir?" 

Frollo: "Ease up. Wait between lashes. Otherwise the older sting will dull him to the new." 

Guard: "Yes, sir." 

Frollo turns to Phoebus. 

Frollo: "Ah, so this is the gallant Captain Phoebus, home from the wars." 

Phoebus: "Reporting for duty, as ordered, sir." 

Frollo: "Your service record precedes you, Phoebus. I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber." 

Phoebus: "And you shall have it, sir. I guarantee it." 

Frollo: "Yes. You know, my last captain of the guard was, um, a bit of a disappointment to me." A whip crack and a scream interrupt Frollo. 

Phoebus appears startled at the crack. 

Frollo: "Well, no matter. I'm sure you'll whip my men into shape." 

Phoebus: "Uh, thank you, sir, uh, very, uh, trem--uh, a tremendous honor, sir." 

Frollo: "You come to Paris in her darkest hour, Captain. It will take a firm hand to save the weak-minded from being so easily misled." 

Phoebus: "Misled, sir?" 

Frollo: "Look, Captain--gypsies. The gypsies live outside the normal order. Their heathen ways inflame the peoples' lowest instincts, and they must be stopped." 

Phoebus: (a bit surprised) "I was summoned from the wars to capture fortune tellers and palm readers?" 

Frollo: "Oh, the real war, Captain, is what you see before you. For twenty years, I have been taking care of the gypsies," 

On each of the last three words, Frollo crushes one of three ants on a tile. He flips the tile over, revealing scores of ants scurrying around underneath. 

Y/n: "Looks more like an ant infestation to me." 

Frollo: *Annoyed* "What are you doing here?" 

Phoebus turns and sees a young woman standing there with a few bags in her hands. 

Y/n: "What I can't stop by to see you at work?" 

Frollo: "You know very well that you are not supposed to be out of the church during festivals like this." 

Y/n: "Ehe~" Frollo looks at her unamused. 

Y/n: "I just needed to grab my pajamas and a dress for the morning. As well as my hair products. I'll be heading back to the church now. Have a good day, Father." 

Frollo: "You as well, Ma poupée." 

Y/n leaves but before she gets out of sight Phoebus can see her cheerful smile turn to a look of disgust. 

Frollo: "Where was I? Ah, yes. And yet, for all of my success, they have thrived. I believe they have a safe haven, within the walls of this very city. A nest, if you will. They call it the Court of Miracles." 

Phoebus: "What are we going to do about it, sir?" 

Frollo slams the tile back down upside down, and turns it, crushing the remainder of the ants. 

Phoebus: "You make your point quite vividly, Captain." 

Frollo: "You know, I like you, captain. Shall we?" 

Phoebus: "I didn't realize that you had children, how old is she?" 

Frollo: "Twenty-one." 

Phoebus: "I'm sure she has suitors lined up." 

Frollo: "It's only natural. Although she has no interest in that." 

Phoebus: "Oh?" 

Frollo: "She wishes to practice celibacy." 

Phoebus: "Celibacy?" 

Frollo: "To aid her in moral and spiritual advancement. Although, I do hope she does end up getting married." 

Phoebus: "Perhaps she has yet to find her perfect partner." 

Frollo: "I suppose." 

He begins to leave when the crowd below begins to cheer loudly. 

Frollo: "Oh, duty calls. Have you ever attended a peasant festival, Captain?" 

Phoebus: "Not recently, sir." 

Frollo: "Then this should be quite an education for you. Come along."

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