The Before: Dinner

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The twins walked through the forest and allowed themselves to relax in the familiar noise. Tsanten had gifted them the next few days off as he and his mate prepared for the birth of their first child. Ney'ite was grateful for the break in their rigorous training. She was even more grateful that their father had allowed Neyetam to take a break from his Olo'eyktan training. It allowed the twins time alone that they had not had in a long time. Still, despite the break, they were still meeting up with Tysal, Marali, and Aytanin later. Their mother liked to joke that the five of them could not survive more than a day without seeing each other.

"Do you think they'll accept our offer, Teyam?" Ney'ite asked as they walked back into Home Tree. It was almost time for them to meet their friends.

"Marali and Tysal will," Neyetam said. "I still do not know about Aytanin."

"At the very least Mom and Dad know that she will most likely be absent," Ney'ite said. "Do you think she'll try and kill Dad if she comes?"

"I say either outcome is just as likely," Neyetam couldn't help but laugh.

"What are the two of you laughing at?" Marali asked as she walked up to them.

"Aytanin's temper," Ney'ite smiled.

"I do not have a temper," Aytanin said as her and Tysal walked up the trio.

"And we're not blue," Tysal rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, Aytanin," Marali smiled at the older girl. "We all still love you."

"Where are we going today?"  Aytanin said as she crossed her arms.

"We'll go to the stream," Neyetam said. "It's close enough."

"The stream is good," Marali smiled. "It is a hot day."

"Let's go," Ney'ite said.

The five friends started to make their way to the stream. Neyetam and Ney'ite lead their friends to the stream that their mother had taken so many times when they were younger. Ney'ite knew that their mother still took their siblings there now: it sometimes made Ney'ite sad that her and Neyetam were no longer able to join them any more.

"What's on your mind?" Tysal asked as he walked besides Ney'ite.

"The past," Ney'ite said as she looked at him. "My mother took me and siblings here all the time."

"It's true," Neyetam said. "There were times we spent more time in the stream than in the trees when we were younger."

"I need to take the four of you the river my brothers and I use to swim in when we were younger," Aytanin said. "The river is so deep and clear that you can see all the way down without ever having to swim down. And at night, the light that comes from the river is so warm."

"It sounds beautiful," Ney'ite smiled. "Our little stream can't compare." They came upon the stream. It seemed so little know; though, it might just be because she was bigger. "But, it's fun for the day." Ney'ite glanced at Aytanin and splashed her.

"Ah!" Aytanin let out a happy little squeal. Aytanin looked at Ney'ite and returned the splash.

After that, the war of the stream was in full effect. The sides and alliances were constantly shifting, and Ney'ite wasn't even sure that there were teams at times. There was just chaos and fun. Ney'ite was soaked, splashed, and tackled. She made sure to return all the favors that her friend had given her. It seemed like they were all harkening back to a time where there was much less worry and the ability to remain carefree. Eventually, they all called it a draw. Ney'ite knew that there would be no winners today: only friends who wished to be together.

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