The Before: Warriors

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Ney'ite quietly stalked through the forest with her bow up and ready. She didn't know what she was more focused on: Tsanten watching her every move or the sounds of creatures moving through the forest. She was the last of her friends to attempt her clean kill. All had made one. This was her chance to claim an ikran with those closest to her. If she failed, she would have to live with the humiliation that she failed.

Ney'ite's mind kept returning to all that Tsanten had taught her. How to walk without a sound. How to aim straight for the heart. How to thank the animal for giving it's life. She had been training for nearly four years. She could not and would not fail now.

Ney'ite stopped when she saw Hexapede. Ney'ite drew back her arrow. She let out a single breath before loosing her arrow. The arrow found it's mark in the hexepede's heart. The beautiful creature went down in an instant, but was still barely clinging to life. Ney'ite ran out to the hexepede. She took out her knife.

"I see you, brother, and thank you."

With those words, she slit the creature's throat and ended it's suffering.

"You have made a clean kill," Tsanten said as he walked up behind her. "You will take your place with the others and claim an ikran tomorrow." He knelt by the hexepede and ran his hand over it. "Let us take this back to Home Tree. May it give you the energy and strength you need to claim your ikran."

Ney'ite grabbed a fallen, but strong, branch from the ground. She took the ropes out of her arrow sheath and tied the hexepede to the branch. Tsanten took one end while she took the other. They picked up the branch and started to make their way back home.

As they approached the entrance of Home Tree, Ney'ite saw her brother and friends waiting for her. They all jumped up when they saw what she had with her. Ney'ite smiled as she saw them all yell in celebration. Her and Tsanten walked into Home Tree and took the hexepede to the ones who would prepare the body for it to be eaten. When Ney'ite and Tsanten left that area, Ney'ite was swarmed with hugs by her friends.

"You did it!" Marali squealed. "You did it!"

"Looks like we don't have to leave you behind," Tysal teased.

"Congratulations, Ney'ite," Neyetam smiled at her.

"You did good," Aytanin nodded.

"Thanks," Ney'ite smiled at them.

"Enough swarming Ney'ite," Tsanten instructed. The five friends stepped into a line. "You will all come with me. I will present the five of you to the Olo'eyktan as well as the current and future Tsahik."

Neyetam and Ney'ite looked at each other and smiled. Their parents would know that they raised their children well.

Tsanten lead the five friends to where Ney'ite's mother, father, and grandmother were. They said nothing, but they could all feel the excitement in the air. They were being presented to the leader of their clan because they were ready to be warriors. All that was left to do was to claim their ikrans. Once they did that, they could participate in the dream hunt and take their place among the people. Ney'ite wanted to take her place among the people so badly.

"Olo'eyktan," Tsanten said as he bowed his head. The five friends did the same.

"Tsanten," Jake said. "Have you brought me those who will now take their place as warriors."

"They have all made a clean kill," Tsanten said. "They are ready to claim their ikrans."

"Then they will," Jake said. "We will go to the ikrans tomorrow." He looked at all of them. "I wish you all the best of luck tomorrow. We will head out at first light. You are all free to leave. Prepare for tomorrow."

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