The During: The Metkayina

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Ney'ite didn't know how long they had been flying. They flew through storm and sun. They only stopped for small increments. Ney'ite never thought she would be tired of flying, but after flying for almost a full day, Ney'ite would be happy to stay on the ground for a while. She knew that her rear end would thank her.

They flew over the ocean. They crossed reefs. Ney'ite could hear a horn being sounded. There was no doubt that this would draw the entire clan to them. Ney'ite knew that ikrans would be a sight that these people had never seen before. Ney'ite looked over Swirya's head and saw the members of the clan start to gather. They seemed so small from up above.

Ney'ite and her family landed on the sands. Ney'ite got off Swirya. She put a hand on her ikran's neck to try and calm her.

"Behave yourselves," Jake said as they started to walk away from their ikrans.

Ney'ite walked between Neyetam and Lo'ak. She felt better standing between her brothers. It made her feel more comfortable in this new place. She, like Neyetam and her father, held her hands up to show that she meant no harm. Ney'ite looked at the people who were surrounding her. They were a greenish-color with teal eyes. Their tails and arm were thick. Some of the members of the clan had tattoos adorning their bodies. Ney'ite was acutely aware of how different she was from everyone else here.

She saw two boys about her age walk in front then around her and her brothers. Ney'ite, Neyetam, and Lo'ak watched them. One of the boys was shorter than the other. He had shorter hair. The taller of the two had his hair pulled into a bun. It was clear to Ney'ite that these two were friends, possibly even best friends. The taller of the two had something about him that drew her eyes towards him. Ney'ite couldn't place what it was though. Nonetheless, Ney'ite touched her fingers to her forehead before extending her hand to them. She was showing that she saw them. The boys did not return the gesture.

"What is it?" the shorter of the two boys touched their tails. "Is this a tail? It is too small to swim with."

Ney'ite turned and flattened her ears. She bared her teeth but did not hiss at the boys. She knew that they had to be on their best behavior if they wanted to be able to stay.

"Stop it, Rotxo, Ao'nung," a girl stepped up and slapped each of them on her head. It was clear that she was like a sister to both of them. Ney'ite was thankful for the girl's kindness.

"Hey," Lo'ak nodded and smiled at the girl.

The girl offered a small smile. Ney'ite resisted the urge to poke fun at her brother for flirting with this girl. This was not the time or place for such teasing.

Ney'ite looked ahead and saw a tall man with a bright orange piece of clothing around his shoulders. Behind him walked a woman who wore a serious gaze. Ney'ite had no doubt that this was Tonowari and Ronal.

"I see you, Tonowari," Jake greeted the man. "I see you, Ronal, the tsahik of the Metkayinas."

"I see you, Ronal," Neytiri said.

Ney'ite stood silently with her brothers. It was best to let their parents do all the talking.

"What do you want from us, Jake Sully?" Ronal asked.

"We are looking for Uturu," Jake said.

"Uturu?" Tonowari asked with a raised brow.

"Asylum for my family," Jake said.

"We are reef people. You are forest people," Tonowari said the fact so simply. "Your skills cannot be used here."

"So we'll learn your ways," Jake said.

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