The Before: A Hunt

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Ney'ite, Neyetam, Tysal, Marali, and Aytanin raced through the branches of the trees without even making a sound. Their bows were strung across their backs. Their arrows still in their quivers. They watched from above as the herd of hexepedes grazed on the forest floor. Ney'ite and Neyetam went right. Tysal and Marali went left. Aytanin remained going straight.

The twins swung in the trees and landed in the fork of a tree that overlooked the clearing. Ney'ite looked across the clearing and saw that Marali and Tysal were perched in two smaller trees. Aytanin stood on the tree that marked the edge of the clearing. Neyetam cawed like a bird of the forest.

The herds' ears twitched, but they didn't look up. To them, it was just another creature of the forest.

Ney'ite and Marali quietly climbed down the trees. They remained hidden in the bush as they watched the herd from the ground. Ney'ite felt her tail twitch at her ankles. Her and Marali let out twin cries to let the others know that they were in position. There was silence for a moment as some of the hexepedes looked up and tried to survey their surroundings. Ney'ite imagined that she was stone. She forced every muscle in her body to remain still. She would not let her prey see that they were being hunted. After a few moments, the herd settled and went back to eating.

Neyetam gave the signal.

Ney'ite and Marali rushed out of the bushes. They yelled and hissed and nocked their arrows. They got in the herd and started to separate the herd from each other. At the same time, Neyetam and Tysal jumped from the trees and forced the hexepedes that were spooked into the forest. They were doing their best to direct the danger away from their friends who had the highest chance of being trampled.

A young male hexepede made a breakaway to the edge of the clearing where Aytanin still remained hidden. Ney'ite didn't see the arrow fly or the beast fall, but she heard the thud it made when it fell.

And just like that, the panic of the moment was gone. The forest returned to how it was before Ney'ite and her friends started the hunt.

Ney'ite turned to see the size of the beast they had brought down. Aytanin was crouched by the hexepede as she slit it's throat. The deed was done. They had brought down a large hexepede that would help to feed the clan.

Ney'ite let out a little squeal as she felt Tysal's arms wrap around her from behind and swing her around.

"What a fierce huntress," Tysal teased her as he nestled his nose into the crook of her neck. "Unafraid of being trampled and coming out alive at the end of it all."

"Oh stop it," Ney'ite playfully hit his arm as he set her down. "Aytanin took the shot. She is the one who is a fierce huntress."

"But she's not the one who will be my mate one day," Tysal smiled as he planted a quick kiss on her cheek before running to Aytanin.

"You're blushing," Neyetam said as he walked past Ney'ite.

"And you're giving unwanted advice," Ney'ite said as she walked with him towards Aytanin and the others.

"I'm just saying, you would think that since the two of you have been courting for six months that you wouldn't blush," Neyetam shrugged.

"It's young love," Marali said as she turned towards them. "She's meant to blush and swoon."

"Ever the romantic," Aytanin said as she stood up and put her arrow back in its quiver. "Are you four going to help me, or are you going to stand there and tease the lovebirds."

"Who says we can't do both," Neyetam said as he walked towards the edge of the forest and grabbed a long, sturdy stick. "You still got the ropes, Marali?"

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