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The forests of Pandora were as kind as they were cruel. But I was no longer in the forest.

I was pushed out of my home by the Sky People. I learned the way of water to adapt and thrive in my new world. My father wanted us to avoid the war, but the war just followed us. Maybe my family was an omen of death. Maybe, Ewya had a greater plan for us that we couldn't understand.

The war cost me almost everything. My closest friends: the sweet Marali and headstrong Aytanin. My love: the silver-tongued Tysal. My twin brother: the level-headed Neyetam who would have been a great leader if he had been allowed to grow up.

Now, I am responsible for carrying their memories with me as I forge a new path in this new world.

I am the legacy of my people. I am my mother's ferocity and my father's pride. I am a protector of the people and of my siblings. It was a mantle that was thrusted upon me so long ago, but one I have clung to ever since.

I am in a new world, but I will continue to fight and protect those I care about. If I stop fighting, if I let the Sky People destroy all around them, if I curl up into a ball and try to disappear, they win. They have taken too much from me to let them win.

I am Ney'ite te Suli Neytiri'ite, eldest daughter of Neytiri te Tshkaha Mo'at'ite and Toruk Makto, Jake Sully. I am broken and sad and angry, but I am also good and strong and determined. The song they will sing when I am finally laid to rest will be a long one filled with loss and grief, but it will always be one filled with love and joy. No matter what the Sky People have done to my family, to my home, they can not take away the love in our lives or the joy in our hearts. Those belong to us and us alone.

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for the support you have shown this story. This is where Volume I ends. It will be a long time before Volume II is published since I am going with the canon of the series. When Volume II is published, I will put a link to it at the end of the epilogue.

Once again, thank you for the support you have shown me and I hope that you have enjoyed Ney'ite's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Worlds Apart: Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now