01. Attack

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Skylar POV third person

Skylar was straddling Amber's lap facing her as they start to make out on Skylar's bed, it was starting to get more intense until Skylar's phone rings in her pocket.

"Don't" Amber muttered against her lips making Skylar sigh.

"It might be important tho, I'll just take a quick second babe" Skylar said to her girlfriend as she takes her phone out, making amber roll her eyes.

Skylar looks at her phone to see that Tara is calling her.

Call ~ (ltalic)

"Hey Tara wassup" Skylar says as she answers the phone making amber groan and roll her eyes when Skylar says the name Tara.

"Nothing really, I'm home alone and I'm really bored plus I wanted to call you" Tara says making Skylar smile. Amber notices this and clenchs her jaw as starts to stroke Skylar's hips up and down while kissing her neck causing Skylar to moan slightly.

"Are you okay?" Tara asks on the other line.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" Skylar says trying to push amber away but it doesn't work so she ends up giveing up. Amber smirks as she starts kissing up her jawline while her hands go underneath Skylar't shirt.

"Hey do you wanna come over, we can have a sleepover?" Tara suggests while Skylar trys not to let her moana slip out. Amber stops what shes doing and gives Skylar a warning look telling her to say no while shaking her head before going back to kissing her neck more roughly this time.

"S-sorry Tara but ambers over right now" Skylar stutters out as Amber moves Skylar's hips back and forth on her thigh causing friction between Skylar's legs.

"Oh.. It's fine maybe another day?" Tara says disappointed and Skylar starts to feel bad before Amber runs her thumb across Skylar's clothed clint making her moan.

"Y-yeah t-totally" Skylar stutters as Amber rocks her back and forth faster while leaving roughly hickeys on her neck.

"Are you sure you okay tho" Tara asks as she heard some of Skylar's groans.

"Mhmm.. I have to go can i call you tomorrow?" Skylar questions as she moves her free hand to massage Amber's hair and tilts her head to the side to give Amber more access to her neck.

"Yeah for sure, uh my foods almost done anyway, bye love you" Tara says making amber grab onto Skylar's waist more tightly.

"Love you too" Skylar tells she through the phone before Tara hangs up.

End of call

"Finally" Amber mutters and she tosses Skylar's phone to the side. Amber pushes Skylar on her back and climbs ontop of her. Her hands run up and down Skylar's body before moving them down to take off her shorts leaving her in her underwear and crop top.

Skylar could see the lust in Amber's eyes, her strong gaze piercing through Skylar's body, causing her body to easily submit itself to her.

Amber then proceeded to take off Skylar's underwear in a rough manner as she eyed out every detail of her body before her breathing began to become heavy.

"This will teach you who you belong to" Amber's raspy voice became deep as she whispered those quiet words into Skylar's pink ears.
"I have to go home my mom wants me back at a descent time" Amber tell her girlfriend as she get up from her bed an gets dressed.

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