04. Loss

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Skylar and Amber were walking down the street sharing a extra large raspberry slurpee when they heard sirens down the street.

"Is that Wes's house?" Amber asks her girlfriend.

"Yeah, let's go over there" Skylar tells her as she begins walk but Amber stops her.

"Shit, I can't my mom text me and she needs me home, I guess she heard about all the attacks" Amber says with an sigh.

"But you can't go by yourself, it's not safe" Skylar says frowning her eyebrows.

"I'll be fine babe. I promise" Amber tells her caressing her face.

"Please be safe tho" Skylar tells her sighing and hands her the slurpee after she pecks her lips before crossing the street to Wes's as Amber 'go's home'.

"Sky?" Dewey says he heads over to his daughter once he sees her.

"Hey dad what happened?" Skylar asks his as she looks around.

"Wes and his mother were attacked, they didn't make it" Dewey tells her with an sad sigh and her face drops, sure she thought Wes was annoying but he didn't deserve to die same goes for his mom.

"Oh...Is-is that mom?" Skylar questions when she sees her mother behind a camera talking.

"Yeah" He sighs. "I just talked to her, she said she came for us" Dewey tells her making her give him a look as she looks at the camera crew. "Ok sure her producers also wanted to get the story but she said came here 90% for us" Dewey tells her wanting her to be close to her mother again.

"Well I feel 90% better" Skylar says sarcastically making Dewey let out a small chuckle.

"That's what I said" He tells her before Sam runs past them to her car. "Where are you going?" Dewey asks her.

"My sisters in trouble" Sam yells back as she gets in her car. Dewey and Skylar look at each other before they follower her to her car but as Skylar opens the door she locks eyes with her mother for a brief second but quickly looks away as she get in the car.

"What are you waiting for? Drive!" Dewey tells Sam so she backs up the car and stars to drive to the hospital.

"Goddammit" Sam's says as she calls Tara but she doesn't pick up.

"Should you really be making a phone call right now?" Dewey asks her as Sam zooms through the streets.

"Please, please" Sam mutter as she try to call her sister again.

"Stop! You know we have to live through this to help her, right?" Dewey tells her as he holds on to the car for dear life.

"Just hold on" Sam tells him as Skylar also try's to call Tara but she wasn't picking up which worries her because Tara always picks up her calls no matter what.

Sam also calls Richie to see if he made it to the hospital "Richie are you at the hospital?" Sam asks through the phone once he picks up.

"Hello, Samantha" Ghostface says causing them all the share a worried look.

"No" Sam mutters.

"Richie can't come to the phone right now. He's finding out what happens to people who stick their noses in business that doesn't concern them." Ghostface tells her.

"Please don't hurt him" Sam says with tears in her eyes.

"Tell you what. You can choose. I'll only kill one." ghostface tells her.

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