02. Hospital

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When group walks in Tara's hospital room. Tara looks up and smiles at them, but her smile gets brighter when she sees Skyler walk in as well.

They all take turns to hug Tara and when it's Skylar's turn she hugs her longer making amber roll her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Skylar asks her while sitting in the chair closest to the bed, grabbing her non-injured hand and squeezing it softly.

"Great now that your here" Tara smiles at her making her smile back while running her thumb across her knuckles causing Tara's heart to flutter.

It wasn't until Amber sat beside Skylar and put her hand on her inner thigh squeezing it while running her thumb across it making sure only Tara could see, which she did and immediately felt a pang in her chest.

Amber squeezed Skylar's thigh a little rougher to get her attention making Skylar turn to look at her confused until she saw her face which was full of jealousy so she instantly let go of Tara hand knowing Amber get jealous easily especially when it comes to Tara plus she doesn't really feel like having an agreement in a hospital.

They sit in the hospital room for a while longer talking to one another until the door opens reveling Sam with a guy? Everyone stands up and Sam looks at everyone in the room for a brief second before she looks at Tara and kneels next the the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asks her sister concerned.

"You came" (That's what she said🤭) Tara smiles at Sam.

"Of course I came. This is my boyfriend Richie" Sam introduces him.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry of I'm intruding" The guy named Richie says. Tara sends him a small wave.

"Nice to meet you to" After the introduction Sam walks over to everyone else in the friend group hugging them.

"Thank you for calling" Sam tells Wes as she hugs him.

"Of course" he responds.

"Hi Sky pie" Sam says using the old nickname she had for Skylar when she was younger as she hugs her.

"Hey Sammy" Skylar smiles at the older carpenter sister, hugging her back.

"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins and Wes and Skylar." Sam says to Richie. "I used to babysit them all" They send him a light wave except Skylar, she felt like there's something weird with this guy but brushed it off.

"Which is always how I like to be introduced" Wes says as he laughs slightly.

"And Amber, hey" Sam says nodding to amber.

"Hey, nice to see you" Amber tells her which Skylar knows is complete bullshit.

"H-Hi. I'm Richie" Richie tells Amber making Skylar frown her eyebrows at why he introduced himself again but only to amber.

"Hi" she nods slightly.

"Where's mom?" Sam asks Tara confused.

"She's stuck at a conference in London, she called me earlier" Tara tells her.

"For all of ten minutes" Amber mutters "Uh, look, guys Tara's really tired. Maybe we should just give her some space." Amber says to everyone making them nod and let out an 'yeah'.

"Not you Sam. I want you to stay" Tara says as everyone starts to leave.

"Okay" Sam nods. "if it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight" Sam asks her.

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