05. Fault & Truths

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As the ambulance rolls a bodybag out Skylar runs over to it silently praying that it isn't her father but she sees the name tag 'Riley' on and break down in tears.

"Sky, I'm so sorry" Sam approach's her with an sorrow and guilty look as she touchs her shoulder but Skylar shrugs it off and looks to the side.

Skylar looks at Richie and head over to hin and pushes him making him stumble and look at her confused. "Why did you hold me back, If you didn't do that I could have saved him, he would still be here" Skylar kept pushing him while tears stream down her cheeks until Sam pulls her away.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" Sam tells her as she hugs her but Skylar shrugs her off of her.

"It's not okay, why did you have to drag him back into this" Skylar asks her, her voice cracking as she does.

"I'm really fucking sorry Sky" Sam tells her as her own tears fall out her eyes. But Skylar just shakes her head as she leaves.

"S-sky where are you going, you can't leave by yourself" Tara yells from the ambulance she was in but Skylar kept walking.

"Sky baby" A voice says from behind her making her stop in her tracks and turn around to see her mother, Gale.

"Mom?" Skylar questions as Gale comes closer to her pulling her into her embrace. Skylar doesn't care if her and her mom aren't on the best terms but as of right now she just needs her mothers confront.

"What happen sweetheart, where's your father?" Gale asks making Skylar cry harder and shakes her head.

"Gone" Skylar barley manages to mumble out as she cries into her mothers arms.

"No-" Gale whispers as she stats to break down in tears hugging daughter tighter, looking at the body bag.

They pull apart from the hug and Skylar wipes her tears but they don't stop coming out.

"I'll be right back" Skylar tells her mother, her face emotionless. Gale looks as if she wants to protest but understands that she needs to be alone for a little.

"...Okay. Please be safe sweetie, call me if anything and I mean anything happens ok?" Gale tells her, holding her face in her hands.

"I will" And with that Skylar walks off, her mind blank.

She walks until she sees some benches and she decides to sit down. Not even five minutes later her phone starts to ring and Amber's name pops up, which she of course answers.

"Uh, hey Ambs" Skylar says trying to mask the shakiness in her voice.

"This isn't Amber" ghostface says on the other line causing Skylar's face to harden as she stands up from the bench.

"You have some fucking nerve to call me right now dickface" Skylar says angrily. (Get it? Ghostface, Dickface...imma stop talking now😔)

"Im very sorry about Dewey but he just had to die...mabye if you were fast enough you would have been able to save hin" ghostface tells her and tears start welling up in her eyes once again as she thinks of all the possibilities where she could have saved him.

"If you're gunna kill me then just get it over with, I'm right here motherfucker" Skylar says loudly while looking around.

"I'm not going to kill you...yet" ghostface tells her chuckling.

"Then what the fuck do you want" Skylar asks two seconds away from hanging up.

"Do you ever wonder why you had to live with your father in a trailer park instead of with your mother who's very wealthy" ghostface asks.

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