08. Party pt2

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~Freeman Household~

Skylar goes where Mindy and her girlfriend went to make sure they didn't kill each other with their bickering. As she walk down the very creepy stairs she hears them talking.

"Then how can I trust you when you say you're not the killer" Skylar hears Amber say.

"Exactly, your learning" Mindy answers.

"Hey I doubt either one of you is the killer" Skylar speaks up from behind them making them jump.

"Shit! why does everyone keep scaring me" Amber says holding her chest.

"Come on guys let's go back upstairs" Skylar tells them and they stats to follow her but Amber stops while grabbing Skylar's hand and looks towards Mindy.

"You first" Amber says nodding her head to the stairs. Mindy begins to smile even more.

"Very good" Mindy tell her while passing them headed upstairs. "Also Skylar your not as quiet as you think, I heard you two fucking from downstairs" Mindy yells from the top of the stairs before leaving the basement.

"Well I did tell you to be quite" Amber tells Skylar shrugging with an amused smirk.

"Shut up" Skylar grumbles with an blush on her cheeks as she and Amber walk up the stairs exiting the basement.

"Hey I'm gonna go with Mindy I'll see you later" Skylar tells Amber pecking her lips and Amber pulls her by her collar making her kiss her again longer this time.

"See you later baby" Amber whispers in her ear and she walks off.

Skylar walks around to find Mindy and sees her on the couch watching stab. Of course.

"Hey M" Skylar says as she plops down next to her best friend taking some chips from her and eating them.

"Hey Sky. Oh and uh here's a tip, next time you're fucking you should have Amber put something in your mouth so you won't make so much noise" Mindy tells her with an smirk.

"Oh my god Mindy! Really?!" Skylar groans annoyed, as a dark blush growing on her cheeks.

"What? I'm just trying to help you out" Mindy shrugs stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

"I don't think this is a normal thing to talk about with your friends" Skylar tells her.

"Well we aren't normal friends. Were best friends so it is pretty normal for us to help each other out in our sex life's" Mindy says smiling and Skylar shakes her head with an chuckle.

"Hey where's Chad?" Skylar questions trying to change the topic.

"He told Liv that he doesn't want to have sex with her because she might be the killer, which pissed her off so she left and Chad went to go find her" Mindy summarizes as she rolls her eyes.

"Sounds like something he would do" Skylar says and Mindy nods.

"Exactly he's a dumbass" Mindy tells her laughing as she watches the tv.

They were sitting in silence until the people at the party started to chant Tara's name. Skylar looks up from the couch to see Tara at the front door along with Sam and Richie.

Skylar stands up and heads over to her and pulls her into a tight hug.

"What are you doing out of the hospital?" Skylar questions concerned, pulling away from the hug.

"I need my spare inhaler that's here" Tara tells her.

"Why where are you going?" Amber questions as she comes over joining the conversation. Tara looks at sam who shakes her head.

"It's fine. Don't tell me. I get it. Just be safe okay?" Amber tells her and Skylar nods agreeing although she is sad that Tara is leaving, she understands why.

"I think it's in your spare room" Skylar tells Amber as the last time she was here it was in there.

"All right, everyone! Thanks for coming, but the party's over! Time to go" Amber yells out to the crowd causing them to whine and says 'no'.
What a bunch of Assholes.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hello! Can we cut the music, please? Uh, hi...Gen Z. How are you? Um...Both Sam and Tara have been attacked by the killer twice. And now they're here, which makes this place a huge murder target, so...if I were you, I would probably leave" Richie yells making them boo him and throw stuff. "Okay, I tried to be nice. Get the fuck out. Please get the fuck out. Sincerely get the fuck out. Thank you. Thank you all. I'm saving your life. I promise" He yells out as they start to leave not without booing him again.

Skylar, Amber and Tara all head towards Amber's spare room in her house for Tara's inhaler. Tara glancing at Skylar every chance she gets with an look of adoration which of course amber notices and clinches her jaw.

As they were about to enter the room Amber stops Skylar from going in.

"Hey uh can I talk to you for a second?" Amber asks her and she nods confused. "The inhaler is right in there so it shouldn't be hard to find and we'll be right back" Amber tells Tara and drags Skylar into her room, closing the door behind them not waiting for Tara's response.

"What do you need to talk a-" Skylar was cut off when Amber pushes her against the door and starts to attack her neck with open mouthed kisses. "A-amber" Skylar stutters with wide eyes.

"Shhh, did you see the way she kept looking at you baby" Amber mumbles against her neck.

"W-what n-no" Skylar says trying to stop herself from moaning and others hearing it...again.

"She wants what's mine" Amber tells her before grabbing her hips and pushing Skylar on to her bed, climbing on top of her.

"N-no amber she's probably just sad that she has to leave" Skylar tries to reason.

"How about I show her who you belong to. She can hear me fuck you from the other room." Amber tells her as she begins to grind on her. "Come on baby I know you want to" Amber says as she puts Skylar's hands on her waist.

Skylar not knowing what to do she begins to stroke her hips, putting her hands under her shirt helping Amber grind on top of her but she feels something on her skin, something that feels like scar tissue.

Skylar lifts up her shirt slightly to see a scar in the exact same place where she stabbed ghostface at the hospital and her heart drops.

"no no no" Skylar mutters barly audible in disbelief tracing the scar with her finger, to in stock to even move.

She didn't want to believe that Amber. Her Amber. Is Ghostface.

Amber notices what's she looking at and stops grinding on her with an sigh.

As Skylar was about to push her off she feels something sharp peirce through her stomach making her scream but Amber covers her mouth so it's muffled, she look down to see a knife sticking out of it, not deep enough to be fatal but deep enough to really fucking hurt.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looks back up at Amber in shock and betrayal.

A/n: So uh that happened👍

══════════•°•🔪🩸🔪•°•═════════A/n: So uh that happened👍

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1204 words

Fake | Amber Freeman Where stories live. Discover now